Eagle Mode
Project Philosophy
Future Plans
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Copyright © 2008-2025 Oliver Hamann. All rights reserved.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Future Plans

This is a short summary of my future plans for the on-development of Eagle Mode. The plans are long-term, because I will probably not have much time for working on the project.
  • Extend the text display capabilities by connecting to standard font libraries (but still continue to support the built-in font).

  • Provide a scripting interface.

  • Make the virtual cosmos graphically editable (drag&drop, grouping, file manager interface...).

  • Add a general search function.

  • Extend the set of file manager commands for things like printing, scanning, graphics conversion, and encryption.

  • Complete and publish the porting to Android (this is pausing since many years - maybe I'll give it up).