// emStd1.h
// Copyright (C) 2004-2025 Oliver Hamann.
// Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef emStd1_h
#define emStd1_h

#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <wchar.h>

//================================== Version ===================================

        // Version numbers and postfix. Postfix is a string like ".rc1" or "".

const char * emGetVersion();
        // Version numbers and postfix as a string.

// The following static variable is built into every object file. Its
// constructor checks whether the object has been compiled with a binary
// compatible version of emCore. If not, emFatalError is called.
class emCompatibilityCheckerClass {
        emCompatibilityCheckerClass(int maj, int min, int mic, const char * postfix);
static const emCompatibilityCheckerClass emCompatibilityChecker(

//===================== Adaptations to compilers and OSes ======================

// We do not export variables from Windows DLLs.
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
#       ifndef EM_NO_DATA_EXPORT
#               define EM_NO_DATA_EXPORT
#       endif

// Get rid of warnings from GCC 3 about the offsetof macro.
// GCC 4 has the option -Wno-invalid-offsetof.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__==3
#       ifdef offsetof
#               undef offsetof
#               define offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER) (((size_t)&((TYPE*)256)->MEMBER)-256)
#       endif

// 'typename' is not supported by every compiler.
// ??? Watcom/OpenWatcom: __WATCOMC__==1100 does not have it, __WATCOMC__==1270
// ??? has it. For other versions I don't know it.
#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && __WATCOMC__<1270
#       ifndef typename
#               define typename
#       endif

// Imitation of some UNIX functions on Windows
#if defined(_WIN32)
#       define strcasecmp stricmp
#       define strncasecmp strnicmp
#       define snprintf _snprintf
#       define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
        char * em_asctime_r(const struct tm * ptm, char * buf);
#       define asctime_r em_asctime_r
        char * em_ctime_r(const time_t * ptime, char * buf);
#       define ctime_r em_ctime_r
        struct tm * em_gmtime_r(const time_t * ptime, struct tm * buf);
#       define gmtime_r em_gmtime_r
        struct tm * em_localtime_r(const time_t * ptime, struct tm * buf);
#       define localtime_r em_localtime_r

// Have M_PI
#ifndef M_PI
#       define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

// Have ssize_t
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#       include <BaseTsd.h>
        typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;

//=================== About RTTI (Run-Time Type Information) ===================

#if defined(__WATCOMC__)
#       include <typeinfo.h>
        inline const char * emRawNameOfTypeInfo(const type_info & t)
                return t.raw_name();
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#       include <typeinfo>
        inline const char * emRawNameOfTypeInfo(const type_info & t)
                return t.raw_name();
#       include <typeinfo>
        using std::type_info;
        inline const char * emRawNameOfTypeInfo(const type_info & t)
                return t.name();

//========================= About function attributes ==========================

#if defined(__GNUC__)
#       define EM_FUNC_ATTR_PRINTF(pos) __attribute__((format(__printf__,pos,pos+1)))
#       define EM_FUNC_ATTR_PRINTF(pos)

#if defined(__GNUC__)
#       define EM_DEPRECATED(decl) decl __attribute__((deprecated))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#       define EM_DEPRECATED(decl) __declspec(deprecated) decl
#       define EM_DEPRECATED(decl) decl

//========================= Byte order of the machine ==========================

// EM_BYTE_ORDER is 1234 (little endian) or 4321 (big endian) or maybe 3412.

#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(ANDROID)
#       include <sys/endian.h>

#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER) &&\
    (__BYTE_ORDER==1234 || __BYTE_ORDER==4321 || __BYTE_ORDER==3412)
#       define EM_BYTE_ORDER __BYTE_ORDER
#elif defined(_BYTE_ORDER) &&\
      (_BYTE_ORDER==1234 || _BYTE_ORDER==4321 || _BYTE_ORDER==3412)
#       define EM_BYTE_ORDER _BYTE_ORDER
#elif defined(BYTE_ORDER) &&\
      (BYTE_ORDER==1234 || BYTE_ORDER==4321 || BYTE_ORDER==3412)
#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__i386) || defined(_M_IX86) || \
      defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64)
#       define EM_BYTE_ORDER 1234
#       error "don't know how to define EM_BYTE_ORDER"

//============================= Integer data types =============================

typedef signed   char emInt8;
typedef unsigned char emUInt8;
typedef emUInt8       emByte;

        typedef signed   short emInt16;
        typedef unsigned short emUInt16;
        typedef signed   __int16 emInt16;
        typedef unsigned __int16 emUInt16;

        typedef signed   int  emInt32;
        typedef unsigned int  emUInt32;
        typedef signed   long emInt32;
        typedef unsigned long emUInt32;
        typedef signed   __int32 emInt32;
        typedef unsigned __int32 emUInt32;

#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)) && defined(__WORDSIZE)
#       if __WORDSIZE == 64
                typedef signed   long emInt64;
                typedef unsigned long emUInt64;
#       else
                typedef signed   long long emInt64;
                typedef unsigned long long emUInt64;
#       endif
        typedef signed   __int64 emInt64;
        typedef unsigned __int64 emUInt64;

#define EM_INT8_MIN   ((emInt8)0x80)
#define EM_INT8_MAX   ((emInt8)0x7f)
#define EM_UINT8_MAX  ((emUInt8)0xff)
#define EM_INT16_MIN  ((emInt16)0x8000)
#define EM_INT16_MAX  ((emInt16)0x7fff)
#define EM_UINT16_MAX ((emUInt16)0xffff)
#define EM_INT32_MIN  ((emInt32)0x80000000)
#define EM_INT32_MAX  ((emInt32)0x7fffffff)
#define EM_UINT32_MAX ((emUInt32)0xffffffff)
#define EM_INT64_MIN  ((emInt64)((((emUInt64)0x80000000)<<32)))
#define EM_INT64_MAX  ((emInt64)(((((emUInt64)0x7fffffff)<<32)|0xffffffff)))
#define EM_UINT64_MAX ((emUInt64)(((((emUInt64)0xffffffff)<<32)|0xffffffff)))

int emStrToInt64(const char * str, int strLen, emInt64 * pVal);
int emStrToUInt64(const char * str, int strLen, emUInt64 * pVal);
        // Parse a decimal 64-bit integer. Returns the number of characters
        // parsed, or 0 on error.

int emInt64ToStr(char * buf, int bufLen, emInt64 val);
int emUInt64ToStr(char * buf, int bufLen, emUInt64 val);
        // Convert a 64-integer to a decimal string. Returns the number of
        // characters produced, or 0 if the buffer is too small.

//========================== Locale and UTF-8 support ==========================

void emInitLocale();
        // This must be called once by the main function of the program before
        // doing anything else.

//-------------------------- UTF-8 character encoding --------------------------

bool emIsUtf8System();
        // Ask whether the character encoding of the current locale is UTF-8.

int emEncodeUtf8Char(char * utf8, int ucs4);
        // Encode a UTF-8 string from a single 31-bit Unicode character.
        // Arguments:
        //   utf8 - Buffer for returning the UTF-8 encoded string.
        //          It is _NOT_ terminated by a null. The buffer must
        //          have space for at least 6 bytes.
        //   ucs4 - The Unicode character.
        // Returns: Number of bytes written to the buffer (1 - 6).

int emDecodeUtf8Char(int * pUcs4, const char * utf8, int utf8Len=INT_MAX);
        // Decode one 31-bit Unicode character from a UTF-8 string.
        // Arguments:
        //   pUcs4   - Pointer for returning the Unicode character. On error,
        //             utf8[0] is set here. And if the UTF-8 string is empty,
        //             zero is set.
        //   utf8    - The UTF-8 string.
        //   utf8Len - Maximum number of bytes to be read from the UTF-8
        //             string, if it is not null-terminated.
        // Returns:
        //   On success, the number of bytes read from the UTF-8 string is
        //   returned (1 - 6). If the UTF-8 string is empty, zero is returned.
        //   And if the UTF-8 string does not contain a valid and complete code
        //   sequence, -1 is returned.

//------------------ Character encoding of the current locale ------------------

struct emMBState {
        void Clear();
        mbstate_t State;

#define EM_MB_LEN_MAX (2*MB_LEN_MAX)
        // Maximum number of bytes written by emEncodeChar(..).

int emEncodeChar(char * str, int ucs4, emMBState * state=NULL);
        // Encode a string from a single 31-bit Unicode character. The type of
        // encoding depends on the current locale.
        // Arguments:
        //   str   - Buffer for returning the encoded string.
        //           It is _NOT_ terminated by a null. The buffer must
        //           have space for at least EM_MB_LEN_MAX bytes.
        //   ucs4  - The Unicode character.
        //   state - Input and output of character encoding state or shift state.
        // Returns: Number of bytes written to the buffer (1 - EM_MB_LEN_MAX).

int emDecodeChar(int * pUcs4, const char * str, int strLen=INT_MAX,
                 emMBState * state=NULL);
        // Decode one 31-bit Unicode character from a string. The type of
        // decoding depends on the current locale.
        // Arguments:
        //   pUcs4  - Pointer for returning the Unicode character. On error,
        //            str[0] is set here. And if the encoded string is empty,
        //            zero is set.
        //   str    - The encoded string.
        //   strLen - Maximum number of bytes to be read from the encoded
        //            string, if it is not null-terminated.
        //   state  - Input and output of character encoding state or shift state.
        // Returns: Number of bytes read from the encoded string (>=0).

int emGetDecodedCharCount(const char * str, int strLen=INT_MAX);
        // Get the number of 31-bit Unicode characters which could be decoded
        // from a string by calling emDecodeChar(..) repeatedly.
        // Arguments:
        //   str    - The encoded string.
        //   strLen - Maximum number of bytes to be read from the encoded
        //            string, if it is not null-terminated.
        // Returns: Number of characters which could be decoded from the string.

//========================= Logs, warnings and errors ==========================

void emLog(const char * format, ...) EM_FUNC_ATTR_PRINTF(1);
        // Output a debug or warning message. A line break is appended. The
        // message is written to stderr, but if under Windows and stderr fails,
        // the message is written to a log file named "emCoreBasedAppLog.log" in
        // a temp directory (the directory returned by the Win-API function
        // GetTempPath).

void emEnableDLog(bool devLogEnabled=true);
bool emIsDLogEnabled();
        // Whether messages for development and debugging should be made. This
        // is to be modified by the main program only, maybe through a command
        // line option. The default is 'false'.

void emDLog(const char * format, ...) EM_FUNC_ATTR_PRINTF(1);
        // Like emLog, but the call is ignored if emIsDLogEnabled()==false.

void emWarning(const char * format, ...) EM_FUNC_ATTR_PRINTF(1);
        // Like emLog, but "WARNING: " is prepended.

void emFatalError(const char * format, ...) EM_FUNC_ATTR_PRINTF(1);
        // Output an error message and exit this process. The message is written
        // to stderr (a line break is appended). Optionally it is also shown in
        // a GUI message box - see emSetFatalErrorGraphical.

void emSetFatalErrorGraphical(bool graphical);
        // Whether to show the fatal error message in a dialog (default: false).

//================================ emUncopyable ================================

class emUncopyable
        // Objects of this class can never be copied.
        inline emUncopyable() {}
        inline emUncopyable(const emUncopyable &) {}
        inline emUncopyable & operator = (const emUncopyable &) { return *this; }

//============================= emUnconstructable ==============================

class emUnconstructable
        // Objects of this class can never be constructed.
        static inline void DummyMethod() {}
        inline emUnconstructable() {}

//=============================== emMin & emMax ================================

template <class OBJ> inline OBJ emMin(OBJ a, OBJ b) { return a<b ? a : b; }
template <class OBJ> inline OBJ emMax(OBJ a, OBJ b) { return a>b ? a : b; }
        // Return the minimum or maximum of two things.

//=============================== emStdComparer ================================

template <class OBJ> class emStdComparer : public emUnconstructable {
        // The following functions can be used as an argument for certain
        // functions about sorting and searching (e.g. emSortArray).
        static int Compare(const OBJ * a, const OBJ * b, void * context)
                if (*a<*b) return -1;
                if (*a>*b) return 1;
                return 0;
        static int ReverseCompare(const OBJ * a, const OBJ * b, void * context)
                if (*a<*b) return 1;
                if (*a>*b) return -1;
                return 0;

//================================ emAlignment =================================

enum {
        EM_ALIGN_CENTER       = 0,
        EM_ALIGN_TOP          = (1<<0),
        EM_ALIGN_BOTTOM       = (1<<1),
        EM_ALIGN_LEFT         = (1<<2),
        EM_ALIGN_RIGHT        = (1<<3),
typedef emByte emAlignment;
        // Data type for the alignment of something within a rectangle.

const char * emAlignmentToString(emAlignment alignment);
emAlignment emStringToAlignment(const char * str);
        // Convert an alignment to and from string representation.

//============================== Implementations ===============================

inline emMBState::emMBState() {

inline void emMBState::Clear() {
