// emStd2.h
// Copyright (C) 2004-2011,2014-2015,2018-2020 Oliver Hamann.
// Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef emStd2_h
#define emStd2_h

#include <sys/stat.h>

#ifndef emArray_h
#include <emCore/emArray.h>

#ifndef emString_h
#include <emCore/emString.h>

//================================ emException =================================

class emException {


        // Class for an exception.

                // Construct an exception with an empty text.

        emException(const char * format, ...) EM_FUNC_ATTR_PRINTF(2);
                // Construct an exception with a formatted text.
                // The arguments are like with printf.

        emException(const emException & exception);
                // Construct a copied exception.

        virtual ~emException();
                // Destructor.

        emException & operator = (const emException & exception);
                // Copy an exception.

        const emString & GetText() const;
                // Get the text.

        emString Text;

//=========================== Host, user, process id ===========================

emString emGetHostName();
        // Get the name of the computer.

emString emGetUserName();
        // Get the name of the user.

int emGetProcessId();
        // Get the identification number of the process.

//================================ SIMD support ================================

// If EM_HAVE_X86_INTRINSICS is non-zero, x86 intrinsics headers can be
// included.
#       if defined(__i386__) || defined(__i386) || defined(_M_IX86) || \
           defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64)
#               define EM_HAVE_X86_INTRINSICS 1
#       else
#               define EM_HAVE_X86_INTRINSICS 0
#       endif

bool emCanCpuDoAvx2();
        // Whether the CPU supports AVX2 instructions (including MMX, SSE <= 4.1
        // and AVX(1)).

//=============================== Time functions ===============================

void emSleepMS(int millisecs);
        // Sleep for the given number of milliseconds. Less or equal zero means
        // to yield the CPU to another process.

emUInt64 emGetClockMS();
        // Get a system clock time in milliseconds. It starts anywhere, but it
        // should never overflow.

emUInt64 emGetCPUTSC();
        // Get the state of the time stamp counter (TSC) of the CPU.
        // IMPORTANT: This only works with certain compiler and hardware.
        // Use for debugging/development only.

//================================ Error texts =================================

emString emGetErrorText(int errorNumber);
        // This is like the C function strerror, but it is thread-safe, and on
        // Windows it also supports error codes returned by GetLastError.

//============================ Files & directories =============================

// em_stat and em_lstat are like stat and lstat from sys/stat.h, but with 64-bit
// file size field if possible.
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
#       define em_stat stat64
#       define em_lstat lstat64
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#       if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
#               define em_stat _stati64
#       else
#               define em_stat stat
#       endif
#       define em_lstat em_stat
#       define em_stat stat
#       define em_lstat lstat

emString emGetParentPath(const char * path);
        // Get the parent path of a path.
        // Examples:
        //  "" => ""
        //  "/" => "/"
        //  "/x" => "/"
        //  "/x/y" => "/x"
        //  "/x/y///" => "/x"

emString emGetChildPath(const char * path, const char * name);
        // Join a path and a name.
        // Examples:
        //  "/x/y", "z" => "x/y/z"
        //  "/x/y/", "z" => "x/y/z"

emString emGetAbsolutePath(const emString & path, const char * cwd=NULL);
        // Get the absolute path of a path. Symbolic links are not resolved. The
        // argument cwd can be used to simulate another current working
        // directory.

const char * emGetNameInPath(const char * path);
        // Return a pointer to the last name in a path (similar to basename).

const char * emGetExtensionInPath(const char * path);
        // Return a pointer to the extension including the dot of the last name
        // in a path.

bool emIsExistingPath(const char * path);
bool emIsReadablePath(const char * path);
bool emIsWritablePath(const char * path);
bool emIsDirectory(const char * path);
bool emIsRegularFile(const char * path);
bool emIsSymLinkPath(const char * path);
bool emIsHiddenPath(const char * path);
        // Ask whether the given file path exists, whether it is readable and so
        // on.

emUInt64 emTryGetFileSize(const char * path);
        // Get the size of a file.

time_t emTryGetFileTime(const char * path);
        // Get the last modification time of a file.

emString emGetCurrentDirectory();
        // Get the absolute path of the current working directory.

typedef void * emDirHandle;
emDirHandle emTryOpenDir(const char * path);
emString emTryReadDir(emDirHandle dirHandle);
void emCloseDir(emDirHandle dirHandle);
        // Read a directory step by step. An empty string indicates the end.

emArray<emString> emTryLoadDir(const char * path);
        // Read a directory at once.

emArray<char> emTryLoadFile(const char * path);
void emTrySaveFile(const char * path,
                   const char * data, int len);
void emTrySaveFile(const char * path,
                   const emArray<char> & data);
        // Read or write a file at once.

void emTryMakeDirectories(const char * path, int mode=0777);
        // Create a directory and its ancestors, as far as they do not exist.
        // On Windows, the mode argument is ignored.

void emTryRemoveFile(const char * path);
        // Delete a file.

void emTryRemoveDirectory(const char * path);
        // Delete an empty directory.

void emTryRemoveFileOrTree(const char * path, bool force=false);
        // Delete a file or a directory recursively. force=true means to defeat
        // file permissions if possible.

void emTryCopyFileOrTree(const char * targetPath, const char * sourcePath);
        // Copy a file or a directory recursively. This does not copy any file
        // attributes (maybe a future version will do so).

//=========================== Dynamic link libraries ===========================

typedef void * emLibHandle;
        // Data type for a handle on an opened dynamic library.

emLibHandle emTryOpenLib(const char * libName, bool isFilename);
        // Open a dynamic library.
        // Arguments:
        //   libName    - Name of the dynamic library.
        //   isFilename - false if libName is just a pure name, which has to be
        //                extended for making a file name (e.g. "Test" =>
        //                "libTest.so" or "Test.dll"). true if the name is
        //                already a file name or a file path.
        // Returns:
        //   An abstract handle for the opened library.

void * emTryResolveSymbolFromLib(emLibHandle handle, const char * symbol);
        // Get the address of a symbol in a dynamic library.
        // Hint: C++ symbols have a compiler specific encoding. Best is to use
        // C symbols only.

void emCloseLib(emLibHandle handle);
        // Close a dynamic library.

void * emTryResolveSymbol(const char * libName, bool isFilename,
                          const char * symbol);
        // Similar to emTryOpenLib plus emTryResolveSymbolFromLib, but the
        // library is never closed.

//=========================== Pseudo random numbers ============================

int          emGetIntRandom   (int          minimum, int          maximum);
unsigned int emGetUIntRandom  (unsigned int minimum, unsigned int maximum);
emInt64      emGetInt64Random (emInt64      minimum, emInt64      maximum);
emUInt64     emGetUInt64Random(emUInt64     minimum, emUInt64     maximum);
double       emGetDblRandom   (double       minimum, double       maximum);
        // Get a pseudo random number within the given range.
        // Cryptographically, this is absolutely not secure.

//========================== Checksums and hash codes ==========================

emUInt32 emCalcAdler32(const char * src, int srcLen, emUInt32 start=1);
emUInt32 emCalcCRC32(const char * src, int srcLen, emUInt32 start=0);
emUInt64 emCalcCRC64(const char * src, int srcLen, emUInt64 start=0);
        // Calculate an Adler-32, CRC-32 or CRC-64 "checksum" from some data.
        // Cryptographically, this is absolutely not secure.
        // Arguments:
        //   src     - Pointer to source data.
        //   srcLen  - Number of bytes in the source.
        //   start   - Start value (could be the result from a previous call).
        // Returns:
        //   The CRC value.

int emCalcHashCode(const char * str, int start=0);
        // Calculate another kind of "checksum" from a string (simple & fast).
        // Cryptographically, this is absolutely not secure.
        // Arguments:
        //   src     - The string.
        //   start   - Start value (could be the result from a previous call).
        // Returns:
        //   The hash code.

emString emCalcHashName(const char * src, int srcLen, int hashLen);
        // Calculate an any-length hash code ("checksum") from some data. The
        // result is a character string consisting of letters and digits. It's
        // okay to ignore letter case in comparisons. Cryptographically, this is
        // absolutely not secure.
        // Arguments:
        //   src     - Pointer to source data.
        //   srcLen  - Number of bytes in the source.
        //   hashLen - Length of the resulting hash name.
        // Returns:
        //   The hash name. It has hashLen characters and consists of
        //   letters (A-Z) and digits (0-9) only.

//============================== Implementations ===============================

inline emException::emException()

inline emException::emException(const emException & exception)
        : Text(exception.Text)

inline emException & emException::operator = (const emException & exception)
        return *this;

inline const emString & emException::GetText() const
        return Text;
