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// emTexture.h
// Copyright (C) 2020,2022-2023 Oliver Hamann.
// Homepage:
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
// along with this program. If not, see <>.

#ifndef emTexture_h
#define emTexture_h

#ifndef emImage_h
#include <emCore/emImage.h>

//================================= emTexture ==================================

class emTexture {


        // Class for a texture. A texture in this sense describes how to fill an
        // area when painting figures with emPainter. Different types of
        // textures allow to paint colors, images, colored images, and color
        // gradients. Those types of textures can be easily constructed using
        // the following derived classes:
        //   emColorTexture
        //   emImageTexture
        //   emImageColoredTexture
        //   emLinearGradientTexture
        //   emRadialGradientTexture
        // These texture classes just exist for convenience and define only
        // constructors. All the attributes (and even the constructors) are
        // already defined here in emTexture, because emTexture ought to be a
        // simple non-polymorphic type.

        enum TextureType {
                // Data type for the type of texture.

                        // Uni-colored texture, constructed by emColorTexture.

                        // Image texture, constructed by emImageTexture.

                        // Image colored texture, constructed by
                        // emImageColoredTexture.

                        // Linear gradient texture, constructed by
                        // emLinearGradientTexture.

                        // Radial gradient texture, constructed by
                        // emRadialGradientTexture.

        enum ExtensionType {
                // Data type for describing what to paint beyond the edges of an
                // image, or how to "extend" the image. With emImageTexture or
                // emImageColoredTexture, an image (or a source rectangle of it)
                // is painted to a certain target rectangle. The extension
                // parameter controls what should happen when the painted figure
                // shows something outside that rectangle. Remember, even if the
                // figure is exactly that target rectangle, the interpolation
                // and anti-aliasing algorithms may look slightly beyond the
                // edges. In that case, it is important to choose correctly
                // between EXTEND_EDGE and EXTEND_ZERO. Usually EXTEND_EDGE is
                // good for painting images which fill the rectangle completely
                // (no alpha), and EXTEND_ZERO is good for painting icons and
                // text characters (things with transparency).

                EXTEND_TILED = 0,
                        // The image simply is repeated.

                EXTEND_EDGE = 1,
                        // The edges of the image are extended (stretched)
                        // infinitely.

                EXTEND_ZERO = 2,
                        // Black (zero) color is used, or - if the image has an
                        // alpha channels - black with zero alpha.

                EXTEND_EDGE_OR_ZERO = 3
                        // Automatically decide between EXTEND_EDGE and
                        // EXTEND_ZERO: If the image has an alpha channel, or if
                        // the texture type is IMAGE_COLORED and one of the
                        // gradient colors has zero alpha, then EXTEND_ZERO is
                        // used, otherwise EXTEND_EDGE.

        enum DownscaleQualityType {
                // Data type for the quality of downscaling images. Something
                // like "3X3" means the maximum number of input pixels used to
                // area-sample an output pixel. If there are more input pixels,
                // they are reduced by nearest-pixel sampling on the fly.
                DQ_BY_CONFIG     = -1,
                DQ_NEAREST_PIXEL = 0,
                DQ_2X2           = 2,
                DQ_3X3           = 3,
                DQ_4X4           = 4,
                DQ_5X5           = 5,
                DQ_6X6           = 6

        enum UpscaleQualityType {
                // Data type for the quality of upscaling images.
                UQ_BY_CONFIG           = -2,
                UQ_BY_CONFIG_FOR_VIDEO = -1,
                UQ_NEAREST_PIXEL       = 0,
                UQ_AREA_SAMPLING       = 1,
                UQ_BILINEAR            = 2,
                UQ_BICUBIC             = 3,
                UQ_LANCZOS             = 4,
                UQ_ADAPTIVE            = 5

        emTexture(emColor color=emColor::GRAY);
        emTexture(emUInt32 packedColor);
                // Construct an uni-colored texture. Please see emColorTexture
                // for details.

        emTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                  const emImage & image, int alpha=255,
                  ExtensionType extension=EXTEND_TILED,
                  DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality=DQ_BY_CONFIG,
                  UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality=UQ_BY_CONFIG);
        emTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                  const emImage & image, int srcX, int srcY,
                  int srcW, int srcH, int alpha=255,
                  ExtensionType extension=EXTEND_TILED,
                  DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality=DQ_BY_CONFIG,
                  UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality=UQ_BY_CONFIG);
                // Construct an image texture. Please see emImageTexture
                // for details.

        emTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                  const emImage & image,
                  emColor color1, emColor color2,
                  ExtensionType extension=EXTEND_TILED,
                  DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality=DQ_BY_CONFIG,
                  UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality=UQ_BY_CONFIG);
        emTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                  const emImage & image,
                  int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH,
                  emColor color1, emColor color2,
                  ExtensionType extension=EXTEND_TILED,
                  DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality=DQ_BY_CONFIG,
                  UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality=UQ_BY_CONFIG);
                // Construct an image colored texture. Please see
                // emImageColoredTexture for details.

        emTexture(double x1, double y1, emColor color1,
                  double x2, double y2, emColor color2);
                // Construct a linear gradient texture. Please see
                // emLinearGradientTexture for details.

        emTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                  emColor color1, emColor color2);
                // Construct a radial gradient texture. Please see
                // emRadialGradientTexture for details.

        emTexture(const emTexture& other);
                // Construct a copied texture.

        emTexture& operator = (const emTexture& other);
                // Copy a texture.

        TextureType GetType() const;
                // Get the type of the texture.

        double GetX() const;
        void SetX(double x);
        double GetY() const;
        void SetY(double y);
        double GetW() const;
        void SetW(double w);
        double GetH() const;
        void SetH(double h);
                // Get or set the position and size of the target rectangle.
                // This is valid only if the texture type is IMAGE,
                // IMAGE_COLORED, or RADIAL_GRADIENT.

        double GetX1() const;
        void SetX1(double x1);
        double GetY1() const;
        void SetY1(double y1);
        double GetX2() const;
        void SetX2(double x2);
        double GetY2() const;
        void SetY2(double y2);
                // Get or set the first and second target point of a gradient.
                // This is valid only if the texture type is LINEAR_GRADIENT.

        emColor GetColor() const;
        void SetColor(emColor color);
                // Get or set the color. This is valid only if the texture type
                // is COLOR.

        emColor GetColor1() const;
        void SetColor1(emColor color1);
        emColor GetColor2() const;
        void SetColor2(emColor color2);
                // Get or set the First and second color of a gradient. This is
                // valid only if the texture type is IMAGE_COLORED,

        const emImage & GetImage() const;
        void SetImage(const emImage & image);
                // Get or set the image. The image reference must be valid for
                // the life time of the texture. This is valid only if the
                // texture type is IMAGE or IMAGE_COLORED.

        int GetSrcX() const;
        void SetSrcX(int srcX);
        int GetSrcY() const;
        void SetSrcY(int srcY);
        int GetSrcW() const;
        void SetSrcW(int srcW);
        int GetSrcH() const;
        void SetSrcH(int srcH);
                // Get or set the source rectangle on the image. This is valid
                // only if the texture type is IMAGE or IMAGE_COLORED.

        int GetAlpha() const;
        void SetAlpha(int alpha);
                // Get or set the alpha value for image blending (0..255). This
                // is valid only if the texture type is IMAGE.

        ExtensionType GetExtension() const;
        void SetExtension(ExtensionType extension);
                // Get or set how to extend the image. This is valid only if the
                // texture type is IMAGE or IMAGE_COLORED.

        DownscaleQualityType GetDownscaleQuality() const;
        void SetDownscaleQuality(DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality);
                // Get or set the quality of downscaling the image. This is
                // valid only if the texture type is IMAGE or IMAGE_COLORED.

        UpscaleQualityType GetUpscaleQuality() const;
        void SetUpscaleQuality(UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality);
                // Get or set the quality of upscaling the image. This is valid
                // only if the texture type is IMAGE or IMAGE_COLORED.


        // *** WARNING for future extensions: Copy constructor+operator do a memcpy!
        TextureType Type;
        ExtensionType Extension;
        DownscaleQualityType DownscaleQuality;
        UpscaleQualityType UpscaleQuality;
        emColor Color1;
        union { emUInt32 Color2; int Alpha; };
        const emImage * Image;
        int SrcX,SrcY,SrcW,SrcH;
        union { double X; double X1; };
        union { double Y; double Y1; };
        union { double W; double X2; };
        union { double H; double Y2; };

//=============================== emColorTexture ===============================

class emColorTexture : public emTexture {


        emColorTexture(emColor color);
                // Construct an uni-colored texture.
                // Arguments:
                //   color - The color.

//=============================== emImageTexture ===============================

class emImageTexture : public emTexture {


        emImageTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                       const emImage & image, int alpha=255,
                       ExtensionType extension=EXTEND_TILED,
                       DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality=DQ_BY_CONFIG,
                       UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality=UQ_BY_CONFIG);
        emImageTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                       const emImage & image, int srcX, int srcY,
                       int srcW, int srcH, int alpha=255,
                       ExtensionType extension=EXTEND_TILED,
                       DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality=DQ_BY_CONFIG,
                       UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality=UQ_BY_CONFIG);
                // Construct an image texture. This type of texture simply
                // paints an image.
                // Arguments:
                //   x,y,w,h             - Upper-left corner and size of the
                //                         target rectangle. The image (or a
                //                         source rectangle of it) is fitted
                //                         into this rectangle.
                //   image               - The image. If the image has an alpha
                //                         channel, it is used for blending. The
                //                         image reference must be valid for the
                //                         life time of the texture.
                //   srcX,srcY,srcW,srcH - Upper-left corner and size of the
                //                         source rectangle on the image. If
                //                         these arguments are missing, the
                //                         whole image is taken.
                //   alpha               - An additional alpha value for
                //                         blending (0-255).
                //   extension             What is painted beyond the target
                //                         rectangle (x,y,w,h). Please see the
                //                         comments on emTexture::ExtensionType
                //                         for details.
                //   downscaleQuality    - Quality of downscaling the image.
                //                         Please see the comments on
                //                         emTexture::DownscaleQualityType for
                //                         details.
                //   upscaleQuality      - Quality of upscaling the image.
                //                         Please see the comments on
                //                         emTexture::UpscaleQualityType for
                //                         details.

//=========================== emImageColoredTexture ============================

class emImageColoredTexture : public emTexture {


        emImageColoredTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                              const emImage & image,
                              emColor color1, emColor color2,
                              ExtensionType extension=EXTEND_TILED,
                              DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality=DQ_BY_CONFIG,
                              UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality=UQ_BY_CONFIG);
        emImageColoredTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                              const emImage & image,
                              int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH,
                              emColor color1, emColor color2,
                              ExtensionType extension=EXTEND_TILED,
                              DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality=DQ_BY_CONFIG,
                              UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality=UQ_BY_CONFIG);
                // Construct an image colored texture. This is like an image
                // texture, but the colors of the image are modified by two
                // given colors. One could also say this paints a color gradient
                // where the image color values are used as the gradient
                // parameter. The general formula for calculating the color is:
                //    output = color1 + input * (color2 - color1)
                // If the image has only one color channel (gray image), that
                // channel is used as the input parameter to the formula.
                // Otherwise the calculation happens for red, green and blue
                // separately. This may not be very useful. Ideally, the image
                // should always have just one color channel (and optionally an
                // alpha channel, which is used for blending).
                // Arguments:
                //   x,y,w,h             - Upper-left corner and size of the
                //                         target rectangle. The image (or a
                //                         source rectangle of it) is fitted
                //                         into this rectangle.
                //   image               - The image. If the image has an alpha
                //                         channel, it is used for blending. The
                //                         image reference must be valid for the
                //                         life time of the texture.
                //   srcX,srcY,srcW,srcH - Upper-left corner and size of the
                //                         source rectangle on the image. If
                //                         these arguments are missing, the
                //                         whole image is taken.
                //   color1              - First color of gradient.
                //   color2              - Second color of gradient.
                //   extension             What is painted beyond the target
                //                         rectangle (x,y,w,h). Please see the
                //                         comments on emTexture::ExtensionType
                //                         for details.
                //   downscaleQuality    - Quality of downscaling the image.
                //                         Please see the comments on
                //                         emTexture::DownscaleQualityType for
                //                         details.
                //   upscaleQuality      - Quality of upscaling the image.
                //                         Please see the comments on
                //                         emTexture::UpscaleQualityType for
                //                         details.

//========================== emLinearGradientTexture ===========================

class emLinearGradientTexture : public emTexture {


        emLinearGradientTexture(double x1, double y1, emColor color1,
                                double x2, double y2, emColor color2);
                // Construct a linear gradient texture. This defines a start
                // point with a start color and an end point with an end color.
                // The color gradient runs on the line from that start point to
                // the end point and in the same way on every possible parallel
                // line. In other words: Imagine a straight line at the start
                // point that is perpendicular to the start-end direction. Call
                // it the start straight. And also imagine an end straight in
                // the same way at the end point. Then the color gradient runs
                // linear from the start straight to the end straight. Outside
                // that area, the start color is used beyond the start, and the
                // end color is use beyond the end.
                // Arguments:
                //   x1,y1               - Start point of gradient.
                //   color1              - Start color of gradient.
                //   x2,y2               - End point of gradient.
                //   color2              - End color of gradient.

//========================== emRadialGradientTexture ===========================

class emRadialGradientTexture : public emTexture {


        emRadialGradientTexture(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                                emColor color1, emColor color2);
                // Construct a radial gradient texture. This defines an ellipse
                // (or circle) on the output area, as well as two colors. The
                // color gradient runs from inside out, with the start color at
                // the center and the end color at the outer edge. Outside the
                // ellipse, everything is filled with the end color.
                // Arguments:
                //   x,y,w,h             - Upper-left corner and size of the
                //                         target ellipse.
                //   color1              - Start color of gradient, used at the
                //                         center of the ellipse.
                //   color2              - End color of gradient, used at the
                //                         outer edge of the ellipse.

//============================== Implementations ===============================

//--------------------------------- emTexture ----------------------------------

inline emTexture::emTexture(emColor color)
        : Type(COLOR),Color1(color)

inline emTexture::emTexture(emUInt32 packedColor)
        : Type(COLOR),Color1(packedColor)

inline emTexture::emTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, const emImage & image,
        int alpha, ExtensionType extension,
        DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality, UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality
) :

inline emTexture::emTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, const emImage & image, int srcX,
        int srcY, int srcW, int srcH, int alpha, ExtensionType extension,
        DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality, UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality
) :

inline emTexture::emTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, const emImage & image,
        emColor color1, emColor color2, ExtensionType extension,
        DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality, UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality
) :

inline emTexture::emTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, const emImage & image,
        int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH, emColor color1, emColor color2,
        ExtensionType extension,
        DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality, UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality
) :

inline emTexture::emTexture(
        double x1, double y1, emColor color1, double x2, double y2, emColor color2
) :

inline emTexture::emTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, emColor color1, emColor color2
) :

inline emTexture::emTexture(const emTexture& other)
        memcpy((void*)this,(const void*)&other,sizeof(emTexture));

inline emTexture& emTexture::operator = (const emTexture& other)
        memcpy((void*)this,(const void*)&other,sizeof(emTexture));
        return *this;

inline emTexture::TextureType emTexture::GetType() const
        return Type;

inline double emTexture::GetX() const
        return X;

inline void emTexture::SetX(double x)

inline double emTexture::GetY() const
        return Y;

inline void emTexture::SetY(double y)

inline double emTexture::GetW() const
        return W;

inline void emTexture::SetW(double w)

inline double emTexture::GetH() const
        return H;

inline void emTexture::SetH(double h)

inline double emTexture::GetX1() const
        return X1;

inline void emTexture::SetX1(double x1)

inline double emTexture::GetY1() const
        return Y1;

inline void emTexture::SetY1(double y1)

inline double emTexture::GetX2() const
        return X2;

inline void emTexture::SetX2(double x2)

inline double emTexture::GetY2() const
        return Y2;

inline void emTexture::SetY2(double y2)

inline emColor emTexture::GetColor() const
        return Color1;

inline void emTexture::SetColor(emColor color)

inline emColor emTexture::GetColor1() const
        return Color1;

inline void emTexture::SetColor1(emColor color1)

inline emColor emTexture::GetColor2() const
        return Color2;

inline void emTexture::SetColor2(emColor color2)

inline const emImage & emTexture::GetImage() const
        return *Image;

inline void emTexture::SetImage(const emImage & image)

inline int emTexture::GetSrcX() const
        return SrcX;

inline void emTexture::SetSrcX(int srcX)

inline int emTexture::GetSrcY() const
        return SrcY;

inline void emTexture::SetSrcY(int srcY)

inline int emTexture::GetSrcW() const
        return SrcW;

inline void emTexture::SetSrcW(int srcW)

inline int emTexture::GetSrcH() const
        return SrcH;

inline void emTexture::SetSrcH(int srcH)

inline int emTexture::GetAlpha() const
        return Alpha;

inline void emTexture::SetAlpha(int alpha)

inline emTexture::ExtensionType emTexture::GetExtension() const
        return Extension;

inline void emTexture::SetExtension(ExtensionType extension)

inline emTexture::DownscaleQualityType emTexture::GetDownscaleQuality() const
        return DownscaleQuality;

inline void emTexture::SetDownscaleQuality(DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality)

inline emTexture::UpscaleQualityType emTexture::GetUpscaleQuality() const
        return UpscaleQuality;

inline void emTexture::SetUpscaleQuality(UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality)

//------------------------------- emColorTexture -------------------------------

inline emColorTexture::emColorTexture(emColor color)
        : emTexture(color)

//------------------------------- emImageTexture -------------------------------

inline emImageTexture::emImageTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, const emImage & image,
        int alpha, ExtensionType extension,
        DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality, UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality
) :

inline emImageTexture::emImageTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, const emImage & image, int srcX,
        int srcY, int srcW, int srcH, int alpha, ExtensionType extension,
        DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality, UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality
) :

//--------------------------- emImageColoredTexture ----------------------------

inline emImageColoredTexture::emImageColoredTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, const emImage & image,
        emColor color1, emColor color2, ExtensionType extension,
        DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality, UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality
) :

inline emImageColoredTexture::emImageColoredTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, const emImage & image,
        int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH, emColor color1, emColor color2,
        ExtensionType extension,
        DownscaleQualityType downscaleQuality, UpscaleQualityType upscaleQuality
) :

//-------------------------- emLinearGradientTexture ---------------------------

inline emLinearGradientTexture::emLinearGradientTexture(
        double x1, double y1, emColor color1, double x2, double y2, emColor color2
) :

//-------------------------- emRadialGradientTexture ---------------------------

inline emRadialGradientTexture::emRadialGradientTexture(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, emColor color1, emColor color2
) :
