// emEngine.h
// Copyright (C) 2005-2008,2010,2016 Oliver Hamann.
// Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef emEngine_h
#define emEngine_h

#ifndef emSignal_h
#include <emCore/emSignal.h>

//================================== emEngine ==================================

class emEngine : public emUncopyable {


        // The classes emEngine, emSignal and emScheduler can be used for some
        // kind of CPU sharing and event handling, within one thread of
        // execution.
        // The central point is the virtual method Cycle of emEngine. Derived
        // classes have to overload it for doing something useful in it.
        // Polling
        // -------
        // One possibility is that Cycle could be called by the scheduler on
        // every time slice. The size of a time slice is defined by the actual
        // derivative of emScheduler. It should be about 10 millisecs.
        // Such a polling can be made by waking up the engine once through
        // calling WakeUp, and by always returning true from the Cycle call.
        // Not polling
        // -----------
        // For sparing CPU cycles, polling should be used in rare cases only.
        // Best is to let the engine sleep most times, and to wake it up
        // whenever there is something useful to do.
        // After calling WakeUp on an engine, Cycle is called by the scheduler
        // within the current time slice. The Cycle call should return false for
        // falling asleep again.
        // Through the wake-up mechanism, Cycle can be called multiple times
        // within one time slice. For example, this allows to have chains of
        // signals without any delay through the time slices.
        // Signals
        // -------
        // emSignal can be used for sending a unary event to the engines without
        // having references to them. But all receiving engines must share the
        // same scheduler, and the sender must have a reference to that
        // scheduler. Very often, the sender is even an engine.
        // An engine can receive a signal event by calling IsSignaled from
        // within Cycle. To avoid polling, an engine can be woken up by signals.
        // Therefore any number of signals can be connected to an engine with
        // AddWakeUpSignal.
        // Here is an example of how a sender can send two different signals A
        // and B to receivers:
        // class MySender : public emEngine {
        // private:
        //   emSignal A;
        //   emSignal B;
        // public:
        //   inline MySender(emScheduler & scheduler) : emEngine(scheduler) {}
        //   inline const emSignal & GetSignalA() const { return A; }
        //   inline const emSignal & GetSignalB() const { return B; }
        //   inline void SendA() { Signal(A); }
        //   inline void SendB() { Signal(B); }
        // };
        // class MyReceiver : public emEngine {
        // private:
        //   MySender & Sender;
        // public:
        //   inline MyReceiver(MySender & sender)
        //     : emEngine(sender.GetScheduler()), Sender(sender)
        //   {
        //     AddWakeUpSignal(Sender.GetSignalA());
        //     AddWakeUpSignal(Sender.GetSignalB());
        //   }
        // protected:
        //   virtual bool Cycle();
        // };
        // bool MyReceiver::Cycle()
        // {
        //   if (IsSignaled(Sender.GetSignalA())) {
        //     //...got signal A...
        //   }
        //   if (IsSignaled(Sender.GetSignalB())) {
        //     //...got signal B...
        //   }
        //   return false;
        // }
        // Minimum fairness
        // ----------------
        // A call to Cycle should not block for a too long time. If an engine
        // wants to perform a long-time job, it should divide that job into
        // multiple time slices. The method IsTimeSliceAtEnd can be helpful
        // here. Example:
        // bool JobEngine::Cycle()
        // {
        //   while (!JobFinished()) {
        //     WorkOnTheJobALittleBit();
        //     if (IsTimeSliceAtEnd()) break;
        //   }
        //   return !JobFinished();
        // }
        // The above example provides just minimum fairness, because if there
        // are two such job engines, one would always eat the whole time slice
        // and the other would perform WorkOnTheJobALittleBit only once per time
        // slice.
        // ??? More fairness for parallel jobs may be supported in the future.
        // ??? Maybe the return value of Cycle should be replaced by a method.
        // There is a helper for serializing jobs: emPriSchedAgent

        emEngine(emScheduler & scheduler);
                // Construct this as a sleeping engine.
                // Arguments:
                //   scheduler - The scheduler which has to serve this engine.

        virtual ~emEngine();
                // Destructor.

        emScheduler & GetScheduler() const;
                // Get the scheduler.

        void WakeUp();
                // Wake up this engine. This means that Cycle will be called by
                // the scheduler within the current time slice. Even if WakeUp
                // is called from within Cycle, Cycle will be called again
                // within the current time slice.

        void AddWakeUpSignal(const emSignal & signal);
                // Wake up this engine whenever the given signal is signaled.
                // Waking up through a signal is like calling WakeUp. Adding the
                // same signal more than once does not cost any additional
                // resources. But the number of additions is counted.

        void RemoveWakeUpSignal(const emSignal & signal);
                // Remove the given signal from the set of signals waking up
                // this engine. If a signal has been added multiple times, it
                // would have to be removed for the same number of times, before
                // it would really be disconnected from the engine (this is for
                // solving conflicts between base classes and derived classes:
                // the derived class does not need to know whether the base
                // class has added a certain signal for its own purpose). There
                // is no need to remove signals before destruction of signals or
                // engines. This is solved by the destructors more efficient.

        int GetWakeUpSignalRefs(const emSignal & signal) const;
                // Get number of references to the given signal (how often the
                // signal has been added and not removed).

        void Signal(emSignal & signal);
                // Signal the given signal. This is just a short cut for
                // signal.Signal(GetScheduler()). It does not matter on which
                // emEngine the call is made, as long as they belong to the same
                // scheduler.

        bool IsSignaled(const emSignal & signal) const;
                // Ask whether the given signal has been signaled. This must be
                // called only from within the Cycle method of this engine. The
                // return value is true, if the signal has been signaled between
                // the beginning of the previous call to Cycle and the beginning
                // of the current call to Cycle.

        bool IsTimeSliceAtEnd() const;
                // Returns true if the current time slice is at its end.

        enum PriorityType {
                VERY_LOW_PRIORITY  = 0,
                LOW_PRIORITY       = 1,
                DEFAULT_PRIORITY   = 2,
                HIGH_PRIORITY      = 3,
                VERY_HIGH_PRIORITY = 4
        void SetEnginePriority(PriorityType priority);
        PriorityType GetEnginePriority() const;
                // Set or get the priority. If two engines are to be called
                // within the same time slice, the one with the higher priority
                // is called first. And if the priority is equal, it's the order
                // of waking up the engines. VERY_LOW_PRIORITY and
                // VERY_HIGH_PRIORITY are meant to be used by driver
                // implementations only. A GUI driver should perform input at
                // VERY_HIGH_PRIORITY and output at VERY_LOW_PRIORITY.


        virtual bool Cycle() = 0;
                // This is the virtual Cycle method mentioned all above. It is
                // only to be called by the scheduler. There is no problem with
                // doing a 'delete this' within Cycle, from the schedulers point
                // of view.
                // The meaning of the return value is:
                //  false: Fall asleep if this engine has not been woken up
                //         since the beginning of this call to Cycle.
                //   true: Wake up this engine on next time slice if the engine
                //         will not be woken up earlier or if it has not been
                //         woken up since the beginning of this call to Cycle.


        friend class emScheduler;
        friend class emSignal;

        void WakeUpImp();

        static void RemoveLink(emSignal::Link * link);

        emScheduler & Scheduler;
                // The scheduler.

        emScheduler::EngineRingNode RNode;
                // A node for this engine in a list of awake engines, garbage
                // when sleeping.

        emSignal::Link * SLFirst;
                // First element in the list of connected signals.

        emInt8 AwakeState;
                // -1 <=> Sleeping.
                // emScheduler::TimeSlice <=> Busy in current time slice
                // emScheduler::TimeSlice^1 <=> Busy in next time slice

        emUInt8 Priority;
                // The priority (0-4).

        emUInt64 Clock;
                // State of emScheduler::Clock after last call to Cycle().

inline emScheduler & emEngine::GetScheduler() const
        return Scheduler;

inline void emEngine::WakeUp()
        if (AwakeState!=Scheduler.TimeSlice) WakeUpImp();

inline void emEngine::Signal(emSignal & signal)
        if (!signal.RNode.Next) {

inline bool emEngine::IsSignaled(const emSignal & signal) const
        return signal.Clock>Clock;

inline bool emEngine::IsTimeSliceAtEnd() const
        return Scheduler.IsTimeSliceAtEnd();

inline emEngine::PriorityType emEngine::GetEnginePriority() const
        return (PriorityType)Priority;
