// emFpPlugin.h
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008,2010,2014,2018,2024 Oliver Hamann.
// Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef emFpPlugin_h
#define emFpPlugin_h
#ifndef emOwnPtrArray_h
#include <emCore/emOwnPtrArray.h>
#ifndef emPanel_h
#include <emCore/emPanel.h>
//================================= emFpPlugin =================================
class emFpPlugin : public emStructRec {
// Record class for a file panel plugin. Such a plugin is able to create
// a panel for showing (and maybe editing) a file. An instance of this
// record class holds the configuration of such a plugin. It is usually
// loaded from a configuration file (see emFpPluginList).
// Construct empty.
virtual ~emFpPlugin();
// Destructor.
// - - - - - Member Records - - - - -
emTArrayRec<emStringRec> FileTypes;
// Array of file types the plugin is able to handle. Each entry
// must be a file name suffix including the leading dot, or the
// special string "file" for accepting all regular files, or the
// special string "directory" for accepting directories.
emDoubleRec Priority;
// Priority of the plugin. If there are two plugins able to
// handle a file, the one with the higher priority is taken
// first.
emStringRec Library;
// Name of the dynamic library containing the plugin function
// (just the pure name, read comments on emTryOpenLib).
emStringRec Function;
// Name of the plugin function. It must match the interface
// defined by emFpPluginFunc.
class PropertyRec : public emStructRec {
virtual ~PropertyRec();
emStringRec Name;
emStringRec Value;
emTArrayRec<PropertyRec> Properties;
// Any number of plugin-defined properties in form of name/value
// pairs.
// - - - - - End of Member Records - - - - -
PropertyRec * GetProperty(const char * name);
// Search for a plugin-defined property. Returns NULL if not
// found.
emPanel * TryCreateFilePanel(
emPanel::ParentArg parent, const emString & name,
const emString & path
// Create a file panel via this plugin.
// Arguments:
// parent - Parent of the panel.
// name - Name of the panel.
// path - Path name of the file to be shown.
// Returns: The created panel.
// Throws: An error message on failure.
virtual const char * GetFormatName() const;
// The file format name of this record file format.
void * CachedFunc;
emString CachedFuncLib;
emString CachedFuncName;
//=============================== emFpPluginFunc ===============================
extern "C" {
typedef emPanel * (*emFpPluginFunc) (
emPanel::ParentArg parent, const emString & name,
const emString & path, emFpPlugin * plugin,
emString * errorBuf
// Type of the plugin function of an emFpPlugin. Such a function
// creates a panel for showing a file.
// Arguments:
// parent - Parent of the panel.
// name - Name of the panel.
// path - Path name of the file to be shown.
// plugin - The plugin record (mainly for reading the
// plugin-defined properties).
// errorBuf - For returning an error message on failure.
// Returns: The created panel, or NULL on failure.
//=============================== emFpPluginList ===============================
class emFpPluginList : public emModel {
// Class for a model containing a list of all the configured file panel
// plugins. The plugin configurations are loaded from a certain
// directory.
static emRef<emFpPluginList> Acquire(emRootContext & rootContext);
// Acquire the emFpPluginList.
emPanel * CreateFilePanel(
emPanel::ParentArg parent, const emString & name,
const emString & path, int alternative=0
// Create a panel for a file. This calls the appropriate plugin.
// On failure, a panel showing the error message is created.
// Arguments:
// parent - Parent of the panel.
// name - Name of the panel.
// path - Path name of the file to be shown.
// alternative - If there are multiple plugins able to show
// the file, the one with the highest priority
// is chosen if this argument is 0. If this
// argument is 1, the one with the
// second-highest priority is chosen, and so on.
// Returns: The created panel.
emPanel * CreateFilePanel(
emPanel::ParentArg parent, const emString & name,
const emString & absolutePath, int statErr, long statMode,
int alternative=0
// This method exists for optimization. It's like above, but the
// caller knows more about the file.
// Arguments:
// parent - Parent of the panel.
// name - Name of the panel.
// absolutePath - Absolute path name of the file to be shown.
// statErr - Zero if calling stat on the file was
// successful, otherwise the resulting value of
// errno.
// statMode - st.st_mode from calling stat on the file.
// alternative - Like with the above method.
// Returns: The created panel.
emFpPluginList(emContext & context, const emString & name);
virtual ~emFpPluginList();
static int CmpReversePluginPriorities(
const emFpPlugin * obj1, const emFpPlugin * obj2,
void * context
emOwnPtrArray<emFpPlugin> Plugins;
// Sorted by descending priority, secondly by file name.