// emRef.h
// Copyright (C) 2005-2008,2010,2016,2024 Oliver Hamann.
// Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef emRef_h
#define emRef_h

#ifndef emStd1_h
#include <emCore/emStd1.h>

//================================ emRefTarget =================================

class emRefTarget {


        // Base class for an object that can be referenced by an emRef.

                // Construct with zero reference count.

        virtual ~emRefTarget();
                // The destructor calls emFatalError when the reference count
                // isn't zero.

        emRefTarget(const emRefTarget& other);
        emRefTarget & operator = (const emRefTarget& other);
                // When copying an emRefTarget, the reference count is not
                // copied.

        void Alloc();
                // Increment the reference count by one. This method is usually
                // only to be called by emRef and special containers.

        void Free();
                // Decrement the reference count by one. If it reaches zero,
                // then this object is deleted. This method is usually only to
                // be called by emRef and special containers.

        int GetRefCount() const;
                // Get the reference count.

        int RefCount;

//=================================== emRef ====================================

template <class CLS> class emRef {


        // Template class for a reference to an emRefTarget, emModel, or to a
        // similar class which also has the methods Alloc and Free. The template
        // parameter CLS must be the referenceable object class. On each
        // construction of a non-NULL reference, Alloc is called on the object.
        // And on each destruction of a non-NULL reference, Free is called on
        // the object. Reference assignment behaves like destructing and
        // constructing. Through Alloc and Free, the object increments and
        // decrements an internal reference counter, and it deletes itself in
        // Free when the reference counter gets zero. Note that a common emModel
        // is also referred by its emContext.

                // Construct a NULL reference.

        emRef(const emRef & ref);
                // Construct a copied reference.

        emRef(CLS * model);
                // Construct from a pointer (NULL is allowed).

                // Destructor.

        emRef & operator = (const emRef & ref);
        emRef & operator = (CLS * model);
                // Copy from a reference or pointer (NULL-pointer is allowed).

        operator CLS * () const;
                // Cast this reference to a pointer (can be NULL).

        CLS * Get() const;
                // Get the pointer (can be NULL).

        CLS * operator -> () const;
                // This makes the reference a so-called "smart pointer". For
                // example, if r is reference to a model which has a method
                // named Hello(), one could say r->Hello() instead of
                // r.Get()->Hello().


        CLS * Mdl;

//============================== Implementations ===============================

inline emRefTarget::emRefTarget()
        : RefCount(0)

inline emRefTarget::emRefTarget(const emRefTarget&)
        : RefCount(0)

inline emRefTarget & emRefTarget::operator = (const emRefTarget&)
        return *this;

inline void emRefTarget::Alloc()

inline void emRefTarget::Free()
        if (RefCount<=0) {
                delete this;

inline int emRefTarget::GetRefCount() const
        return RefCount;

template <class CLS> inline emRef<CLS>::emRef()

template <class CLS> inline emRef<CLS>::emRef(const emRef & ref)
        if (Mdl) Mdl->Alloc();

template <class CLS> inline emRef<CLS>::emRef(CLS * model)
        if (model) model->Alloc();

template <class CLS> inline emRef<CLS>::~emRef()
        if (Mdl) {

template <class CLS> emRef<CLS> & emRef<CLS>::operator = (const emRef & ref)
        if (ref.Mdl) ref.Mdl->Alloc();
        if (Mdl) Mdl->Free();
        return *this;

template <class CLS> emRef<CLS> & emRef<CLS>::operator = (CLS * model)
        if (model) model->Alloc();
        if (Mdl) Mdl->Free();
        return *this;

template <class CLS> inline emRef<CLS>::operator CLS * () const
        return Mdl;

template <class CLS> inline CLS * emRef<CLS>::Get() const
        return Mdl;

template <class CLS> inline CLS * emRef<CLS>::operator -> () const
        return Mdl;
