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Eagle Mode -
Install and Start

Copyright © 2008-2010,2015-2017 Oliver Hamann. Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/


1 How to install Eagle Mode
2 How to start Eagle Mode
3 Special cases
      3.1 Proper installation to /usr
      3.2 Cygwin

1 How to install Eagle Mode

First of all, before installing a new version of Eagle Mode, please uninstall any old version.

This text describes the installation from source code. You may first check the download page if it has another way of installation for you operating system (http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/download.html).

For installing Eagle Mode from source code, please first download the source package (it is named eaglemode-version.tar.bz2), unpack it, and then cd into the unpacked directory.

After that, the project has to be compiled (built) and then it can be installed. Here are the basic commands for doing that:

   perl make.pl build
   perl make.pl install

This would build the project using the GNU compiler, and it would install to a default directory (on UNIX-like systems it is /usr/local/eaglemode). There are some options you can give to the commands. For example, if you want to install to another directory, and if you want a desktop menu entry, say something like:

   perl make.pl install dir=/opt/eaglemode menu=yes

A full description of all the options can be seen with:

   perl make.pl help


  • It is even possible to skip the install step and to run Eagle Mode directly from the source directory after build.
  • Another way of installing would be to first create your own binary package by running perl make.pl pack type, where type can be one of deb, rpm, exe and some more. Also, please run perl make.pl help for more details about this.

2 How to start Eagle Mode

Depending on the installation, you may find a menu entry named "Eagle Mode" in the applications menu of your desktop. If not, please search the directory where Eagle Mode has been installed, and run the file eaglemode.sh from there. Exception: Windows users have to run eaglemode.wsf with the Windows Based Script Host (wscript.exe) instead.

If you wonder about the files in the bin directory: Most of these executables require special environment variables and cannot be run directly.

3 Special cases

3.1 Proper installation to /usr

Originally, Eagle Mode is designed for being installed in an own directory like /usr/local/eaglemode, /usr/lib/eaglemode or /opt/eaglemode. But if you want to have it divided in /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/share and so on, you could do it like in this example:

perl make.pl build
perl make.pl install dir=/usr/lib/eaglemode

cd /usr/lib/eaglemode
mv -T doc ../../share/doc/eaglemode
ln -s ../../share/doc/eaglemode doc
mv -T res ../../share/eaglemode
ln -s ../../share/eaglemode res
mv -T etc /etc/eaglemode
ln -s /etc/eaglemode etc

cd /usr/bin
ln -s ../lib/eaglemode/eaglemode.sh eaglemode

cd /usr/lib
ln -s eaglemode/lib/*.so .

cd /usr/include
ln -s ../lib/eaglemode/include/* .

3.2 Cygwin

Rebase DLLs!

After installing Eagle Mode on Cygwin, and before starting it for the first time, you must rebase all Cygwin DLLs including those of Eagle Mode. Please get familiar with the rebaseall program. The basic steps are as follows (remember to replace the paths according to your installation):

Quit all programs, stop the "CYGWIN cygserver" service (if running), open a Windows Command box and type these commands:
# set PATH=c:\cygwin\bin
# ash
# bash
# ls -1 --indicator-style=none /usr/local/eaglemode/lib/*.dll > /tmp/extra.lst
(At this point you could add further non-standard DLLs to /tmp/extra.lst)
# cat /tmp/extra.lst
(Check that the Eagle Mode DLLs are shown by the above command)
# exit
(Back in ash, never do the following in bash or while any other Cygwin program is running)
# rebaseall -T /tmp/extra.lst -v

You have the choice: emX11 or emWnds

If you want Eagle Mode to use the Windows API directly instead of X11, set the environment variable EM_GUI_LIB=emWnds before starting. But note that the file manager commands require X11 in any case.


  • Eagle Mode does not perform very fast on Cygwin.
  • Do not enter the fullscreen mode with emX11 on Cygwin. Otherwise the keyboard focus may get lost.


Next Reading: General User Guide