Change Log
Version 0.96.3
- Reworked and released the Open Street Map viewer.
- Adapted to new OS versions.
- Added new API classes: emJob, emJobQueue, emOwnPtr, emOwnArrayPtr,
emOwnPtrArray, and emRefTarget.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.96.2
- Fixed character encoding of PDF selection on non-UTF-8 systems.
- Fixed occasional segmentation fault in PDF viewer.
- Allowed to open URLs in PDF documents.
- Released the HMI demo.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.96.1
- Added select and copy functions to the plain text viewer.
- Added select and copy functions to the PDF viewer.
Version 0.96.0
- Added emStocks - a plugin for stock watchlists.
- Added undo/redo functions to editable text fields.
- Extended the graphics API to paint Bezier curves, arrows, and dashes.
- Added support for showing ICO files which are PNG compressed.
- Revised the emListBox API: Now the items have names.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.95.2
- Fixed DPI scaling on Windows.
- Fixed changing of only letter case when renaming files on Windows.
- Fixed useless re-rendering in emPdf.
- Allowed to trigger radio boxes and check boxes by clicking on the text.
- Adjusted some dialog sizes as well as click and expansion size thresholds to
modern screen resolutions.
- Updated emLKC to kernel 5.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.95.1
- Added a viewer for WebP image files.
- Fixed focus problems with XWayland.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.95.0
- Added some interpolation algorithms for the zooming into photos, videos,
icons and other images. Now the user can choose (in the preferences) from: Area
Sampling, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos, and Adaptive.
- Accelerated graphics display by making use of the AVX2 CPU extension.
- Extended the graphics API by a texture class which allows more flexible
filling of figures with colors and images.
- Ported the audio/video player to Windows, based on the VLC library.
- Switched from Xine to VLC also for other OSes because some tests showed that
VLC is more crash-resistant against randomly corrupted files and thereby most
likely more secure.
- Ported the archive viewer to Windows.
- Completely removed support for outdated archive file formats to improve
security and simplify maintenance: Goodbye to arc, arj, lha, rar, and zoo.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 0.94.2
- Fixed some security issues concerning the reading of corrupt image
- Fixed keyboard focus loss after dialog closing in certain situations on
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.94.1
- Improved video performance on multi-core CPUs a little.
- Prohibited starting up after failure in creating initial bookmarks.
- Reviewed and improved various details concerning protection against unwanted
file system changes.
- Colorized file manager command execution messages on Windows 10.
Version 0.94.0
- Extended the internal font, mainly by Cyrillic and Greek characters.
- Improved character code page support.
- Added Clang support (compile command: perl make.pl build
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.93.2
- Ported PDF, SVG, and PS viewers to Windows.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.93.1
- Adapted minimally to new OS versions.
- Ported time zones feature to Windows.
Version 0.93.0
- Added autoplay function: Slideshow of picture files and playback of multiple
audio/video files.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.92.0
- Parallelized painting for improved graphics performance on multi-core CPUs.
- Changed many virtual API methods to "const" (required for the above point,
compiling old user code may fail, sorry, please adapt)
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.91.0
- Fixed behavior on virtual desktops with multiple monitors.
- Added saving and restoring of window geometry.
- On X11, the fullscreen mode now goes via the window manager instead of
switching to override-redirect mode.
- On Windows, in the virtual cosmos, replaced all the static disk drive items
and the home dir item by a single file system item which dynamically lists all
available drives.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.90.0
- Added lots of icons to the control panel and gave it a new layout.
- Reworked the graphic design of the toolkit elements (buttons, etc.).
- Added new file manager themes: Glass, Card/*, and Night. Removed the Cloud
- Minor improvements and fixes.
- (For making the new graphics in this version, I learned and used Blender
2.76. Great tool!)
Version 0.89.2
- Added API class emAvlTreeSet.
- Moved emAvlTreeMap into an own header file.
- Fixed the StrictRaster option of emRasterLayout.
- Fixed configuration loading for minimum forward compatibility with the
upcoming "design" version 0.90.0 (running <=0.89.1 after running 0.90.0 may
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.89.1
- Fixed shortcuts for Windows systems where wsf files are not associated with
- Multi-user installation of start menu and desktop icons on Windows.
- Improved resolution of built-in font.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.89.0
- Added new API classes: emListBox, emFileSelectionBox, emFileDialog, and
- Removed method emPanel::EnableAutoExpansion() (it's always "enabled"
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 0.88.0
- Replaced API class emTiling by more specialized classes: emLinearLayout,
emRasterLayout, and emPackLayout.
- Accordingly replaced emGroup by emLinearGroup, emRasterGroup, and
- Fixed cropping of video frames.
- Fixed launch feedback.
- Improved input processing on slow machines.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.87.0
- Bug fix: The view often zoomed away unexpectedly from alternative file
content panels (since version 0.86.0).
- Reorganized the toolkit classes, renamed all "emTk*" to "em*".
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.86.0
- Added kinetic effects (inertia and friction) to zooming and scrolling by
mouse and keyboard.
- Added a magnetism which zooms and scrolls automatically for showing a
content full-sized. (It gets active after zooming or scrolling by mouse, when
a content is not to far from being shown full-sized.)
- Added an acceleration effect to zooming by mouse wheel.
- Added animations for logical position changes by keys and bookmarks.
- Adapted emLKC to kernel 3.16 and higher.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 0.85.0
- Fixed some bugs of the PDF viewer.
- Adapted to Debian 7.
- Adapted to xine-lib 1.2x.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.84.0
- Fixed keyboard inquiry with some X input methods.
- Fixed occasional delay of starting to play audio and video files.
- Adjusted emLKC to kernel 3.1.1 and higher.
- Made the user configuration directory configurable with the environment
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.83.0
- Added a better PDF viewer (but not on Windows).
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.82.0
- Added auto mark option to emNetwalk.
- Made audio and video player more persistent.
- Added support for large files on most 32-bit systems.
- Fixed crash on Windows.
- Fixed failing of file manager commands by extended file name characters on
- Worked around failure of select function on OpenSolaris.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.81.0
- Added UTF-16 support to the plain text file viewer.
- Removed color space reduction from graphics functions.
- Changed the colors of control panels and dialogs.
- Added a theme interface and some themes for directory entry panels.
- Added an autosave function for the file manager view settings.
- Added display of a wait cursor while main thread is blocked.
- Extended emTreeDump by attributes for commands and files.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 0.80.0
- Added the Dig Mode option to emNetwalk. It makes the game more
- Redesigned the graphics of emNetwalk.
Version 0.79.0
- Added another puzzle game: emNetwalk
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.78.0
- Added a better SVG image file viewer (but not on Windows).
- Added support for new archive file types: lzma, xz, tar.lzma, tar.xz.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.77.0
- Added document: Advanced Configuration
- Added document: C++ API Tutorial
- Added document: C++ API Reference
- Added document: Make System
- Fixed a temp file leak on Windows.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 0.76.0
- Added file manager commands for Windows.
- Added cosmos and plugin configurations for Windows.
- Extended the make system by a pack command for creating installation
packages (deb, rpm, setup.exe...).
- Video player: hide mouse pointer and disable screensaver.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 0.75.1
- Implemented the freedesktop.org startup notification protocol (client
- Fixed some minor bugs.
Version 0.75.0
- Added emLKC which is a Linux Kernel Configurator based on Eagle Mode (see
$EM_DIR/res/emLKC/README or find it in the virtual cosmos).
Version 0.74.0
- Made the built-in font extensible (see $EM_DIR/res/emCore/font/README).
- Added some more characters to the built-in font, mainly Latin ones.
Version 0.73.0
- Extended emCore by a programming interface for multi-threading.
- Made all functions and classes thread-reentrant.
Version 0.72.1
- Adapted to Mac OS X 10.5.
Version 0.72.0
- Removed dependencies from libXext, libXxf86vm, and their header files, in
order to make the installation easier. The shared libraries of these are now
accessed dynamically at run-time when available.
- Added support for creating and viewing ISO files.
- Improved the loading of configurations, so that it is allowed that the user
copies certain directories from host config to user config in order to modify
them there.
- Rewrote unicc. Now it's a framework with plugin modules, it got support for
parallel compilation, and it got able to handle Windows resource files.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 0.71.0
- Added full multi-line support to class emTkTextField, so that the unfinished
class emTkMlTextField could be removed now.
- Added simple keyboard control to class emTkScalarField.
- Minor fixes.
Version 0.70.1
- Workaround for the problem that Eagle Mode sometimes exited with "FATAL
ERROR: XGrabKeyboard failed" when running on Compiz Fusion.
- Minor bug fixes.
Version 0.70.0