// emFileModel.h
// Copyright (C) 2005-2008,2014,2016,2018,2022,2024 Oliver Hamann.
// Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef emFileModel_h
#define emFileModel_h
#ifndef emPriSchedAgent_h
#include <emCore/emPriSchedAgent.h>
#ifndef emSigModel_h
#include <emCore/emSigModel.h>
#ifndef emOwnPtr_h
#include <emCore/emOwnPtr.h>
class emFileModelClient;
//================================ emFileModel =================================
class emFileModel : public emModel {
// Abstract base class for a shared file model. Such a file model can
// represent a file of a certain file format in memory. The most
// important features are:
// - File models can have clients (=> class emFileModelClient). The
// clients tell how much memory the model may allocate at most. If
// the model would need more, the file is not loaded. Without any
// client, the file is never loaded. Thus, if you want a file to be
// loaded by a file model, you will have to create and manage at
// least one emFileModelClient.
// - Loading and unloading is performed automatically, depending on the
// the state of the clients.
// - Saving is not performed automatically, except a derived class
// implements such an automatism.
// - Loading and saving are performed step by step in the Cycle method,
// so that it does not block the other engines of the program.
// - Normally, only one file model is loading at a time (just to avoid
// heavy seeking of the hard drive). The order of loading multiple
// file models is determined by a priority which can be set at the
// clients.
virtual const emString & GetFilePath() const;
// Path name of the file. Returns the model name by default.
const emSignal & GetFileStateSignal() const;
// This signal is sent on any change in the results of
// GetFileState(), GetMemoryNeed(), GetFileProgress() and
// GetErrorText().
enum FileState {
// Possibilities for the state of the file model.
// The file model wants to load the file, but it is
// waiting until there are no other file models in a
// loading state.
// The file model is currently reading the file.
// The file model is loaded.
// The file model is loaded and there are unsaved
// changes in the model data. This state prevents from
// unloading and reloading.
// The file model is currently writing the file.
// The file model is not loaded, because there is no
// file model client which accepts the memory need.
// The file model is not loaded, because there was an
// error in reading the file.
// Like FS_UNSAVED, but there was an error in writing
// the file.
// Just the maximum possible integer value for the
// state.
FileState GetFileState() const;
// Get current state of this file model.
emUInt64 GetMemoryNeed() const;
// Get best known number of memory bytes, which are allocated,
// or which will be allocated, or which would be allocated, in
// loaded state. In addition to the memory need of the file
// model itself, this should also include the memory need of one
// typical client (e.g. emFilePanel), if not negligible. The
// result of GetMemoryNeed() is never zero. In unsaved or
// errored state, it could be nonsense.
double GetFileProgress() const;
// Get progress of loading or saving in percent.
const emString & GetErrorText() const;
// Get the error description when in state FS_LOAD_ERROR or
void Update();
// Perform an update: If the state is FS_LOAD_ERROR, the error
// text is cleared and the loading will be tried again. If the
// state is FS_TOO_COSTLY with a last known memory need greater
// than one, the loading will be tried again. If the state is
// FS_LOADED, and if the model is out-of-date (checks file time
// by default), the file is unloaded for loading it again.
// Hints:
// - A good place to call this method is when creating a new
// emFileModelClient.
// - Do not call this too often, because some file models are
// always reloading.
static emRef<emSigModel> AcquireUpdateSignalModel(
emRootContext & rootContext
// This functions acquires a global signal model. When that
// signal is signaled, all file models are updated (see method
// Update()), except for those which have
// GetIgnoreUpdateSignal()==true. The signal could be used as an
// application-wide update signal even for reloading files which
// are not interfaced through emFileModel.
bool GetIgnoreUpdateSignal() const;
void SetIgnoreUpdateSignal(bool ignore);
// If true, this file model does not listen to the global update
// signal. Should be set at most for private file models.
void Load(bool immediately);
// Normally, there is no need to call this method, because
// loading is performed automatically. If the state is
// FS_WAITING, Load(false) starts the loading right away,
// ignoring the priority. If the state is FS_LOADING,
// Load(false) performs one more step in loading the file.
// Load(true) blocks until the state is not FS_WAITING and not
// FS_LOADING. For other states, this method has no effect.
void Save(bool immediately);
// This is similar to Load, but remember that saving is not
// started automatically. If the state is FS_UNSAVED,
// Save(false) starts the saving (which continues
// automatically). If the state is FS_SAVING, Save(false)
// performs one more step in saving the file. Save(true) blocks
// until the state is not FS_UNSAVED and not FS_SAVING. For
// other states, this method has no effect.
void ClearSaveError();
// Resets the state to FS_UNSAVED, if it was FS_SAVE_ERROR.
void HardResetFileState();
// Unload the file and restart the loading logics. This works
// even in unsaved or errored state, and it is the only way to
// take back unsaved changes.
emFileModel(emContext & context, const emString & name);
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// context - Normally, this should be the root context.
// name - Normally, this is the path name of the file
// (otherwise GetFilePath has to be overloaded).
virtual ~emFileModel();
// Destructor.
virtual bool Cycle();
// See emEngine::Cycle. This one performs loading and saving.
void SetUnsavedState();
// This must be called before or immediately after modifying the
// data (except through ResetData, TryStartLoading and
// TryContinueLoading). Hereby, any loading or saving is
// aborted, and the file state is set to FS_UNSAVED. The caller
// should take care: if the state was FS_SAVING, the file will
// be corrupted, and if the state was FS_LOADING, the data may
// be corrupted.
virtual void ResetData() = 0;
// Called for unloading the file. The implementation may free
// allocated memory or set the data to a default state.
virtual void TryStartLoading() = 0;
virtual bool TryContinueLoading() = 0;
virtual void QuitLoading() = 0;
// Called for loading the file. First, TryStartLoading is
// called, and then TryContinueLoading is called again and again
// until true is returned. For aborting by an error, an
// exception with a user-readable error message can be thrown.
// Returning true from TryContinueLoading means to have finished
// with loading. No call should waist more than about 10
// milliseconds (if possible somehow). There's no problem if
// each call waists much fewer time, but if multiple calls
// cannot really continue because of waiting for a child process
// or so, they should do an emSleepMS(10) or something similar,
// otherwise we would end up in busy waiting. Before allocating
// a worth meaning amount of memory, a call should return and
// the amount of memory should be reported through the result of
// CalcMemoryNeed(), so that there is a chance to abort the
// loading and to enter the state FS_TOO_COSTLY before the
// memory would be allocated. Best is to determine the whole
// memory need in TryStartLoading (e.g. through reading just a
// file header), and to allocate that memory in
// TryContinueLoading. It is guaranteed that ResetData is called
// before TryStartLoading. And it is guaranteed that QuitLoading
// is called at the end, either on success, or for aborting, or
// after an error - but remember that it can never be called
// through the destructor of emFileModel (=> prepare the
// destructor of the derived class accordingly).
virtual void TryStartSaving() = 0;
virtual bool TryContinueSaving() = 0;
virtual void QuitSaving() = 0;
// This is just like above, but for saving. The memory need is
// not relevant here.
virtual emUInt64 CalcMemoryNeed() = 0;
// While loading, this method is called again and again to
// calculate the number of memory bytes, which will be allocated
// by this file model and by one typical file model client in
// loaded state. If it cannot be calculated, it should be a good
// approximation (e.g. from file size).
virtual double CalcFileProgress() = 0;
// While loading or saving, this method is called to determine
// the progress in percent. It's just an information for the
// user.
virtual void TryFetchDate();
// Get and remember file information for IsOutOfDate(). The default
// implementation is for the default implementation of IsOutOfDate().
virtual bool IsOutOfDate();
// Check whether the loaded file should be reloaded. The default
// implementation checks by file times, size and inode.
private: friend class emFileModelClient;
bool StepLoading();
bool StepSaving();
bool UpdateFileProgress();
bool UpdateMemoryLimit();
void UpdatePriority();
void StartPSAgent();
void EndPSAgent();
class PSAgentClass : public emPriSchedAgent {
PSAgentClass(emFileModel & fileModel);
virtual void GotAccess();
emFileModel & FileModel;
friend class PSAgentClass;
emSignal FileStateSignal;
FileState State;
unsigned MemoryLimitInvalid : 1;
unsigned PriorityInvalid : 1;
emUInt64 MemoryNeed;
double FileProgress;
emUInt64 FileProgressClock;
emString ErrorText;
emFileModelClient * ClientList;
emUInt64 MemoryLimit;
time_t LastMTime;
time_t LastCTime;
emUInt64 LastFSize;
emUInt64 LastINode;
emOwnPtr<PSAgentClass> PSAgent;
emRef<emSigModel> UpdateSignalModel; // NULL if ignored
inline const emSignal & emFileModel::GetFileStateSignal() const
return FileStateSignal;
inline emFileModel::FileState emFileModel::GetFileState() const
return State;
inline emUInt64 emFileModel::GetMemoryNeed() const
return MemoryNeed;
inline double emFileModel::GetFileProgress() const
return FileProgress;
inline const emString & emFileModel::GetErrorText() const
return ErrorText;
inline bool emFileModel::GetIgnoreUpdateSignal() const
return UpdateSignalModel==NULL;
//============================= emFileModelClient ==============================
class emFileModelClient : public emUncopyable {
// Abstract base class for a client on an emFileModel. Multiple clients
// can connect to the same file model. And:
// - Each client tells about the maximum memory which may be allocated
// by the file model and one typical client (e.g. emFilePanel). If no
// client accepts the memory need this way, the file is not loaded or
// it is unloaded.
// - Each client tells about the priority which is used for determining
// the order of loading file models. The maximum priority of all
// clients is taken.
// Hint: Even have a look at the class emFilePanel. It's a base class
// for panels which want to be file model clients.
emFileModelClient(emFileModel * model=NULL);
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// model - See SetModel below.
virtual ~emFileModelClient();
// Destructor.
emFileModel * GetModel() const;
void SetModel(emFileModel * model=NULL);
// The file model this client is connected to. NULL means to
// have disconnected state.
virtual emUInt64 GetMemoryLimit() const = 0;
// Maximum memory need accepted for loading the file, from sight
// of this client. Usually, this should be set from
// emPanel::GetMemoryLimit().
virtual double GetPriority() const = 0;
// Priority in loading the file, from sight of this client.
// Usually, this should be set from
// emPanel::GetUpdatePriority().
virtual bool IsReloadAnnoying() const = 0;
// Whether a reload of the file model could currently be
// annoying for the user.
void InvalidateMemoryLimit();
// Indicate a change in the results of GetMemoryLimit().
void InvalidatePriority();
// Indicate a change in the results of GetPriority().
bool IsTheOnlyClient() const;
// Whether the file model has no other client.
private: friend class emFileModel;
emRef<emFileModel> Model;
emFileModelClient * * ThisPtrInList;
emFileModelClient * NextInList;
inline emFileModel * emFileModelClient::GetModel() const
return Model;
//========================= emAbsoluteFileModelClient ==========================
class emAbsoluteFileModelClient : public emFileModelClient {
// Class for a file model client that demands loaded state in any case.
emAbsoluteFileModelClient(emFileModel * model=NULL);
virtual emUInt64 GetMemoryLimit() const;
virtual double GetPriority() const;
virtual bool IsReloadAnnoying() const;