// emView.h
// Copyright (C) 2004-2012,2014,2016-2017,2021,2023-2024 Oliver Hamann.
// Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef emView_h
#define emView_h

#ifndef emCursor_h
#include <emCore/emCursor.h>

#ifndef emInput_h
#include <emCore/emInput.h>

#ifndef emPainter_h
#include <emCore/emPainter.h>

#ifndef emCoreConfig_h
#include <emCore/emCoreConfig.h>

#ifndef emOwnPtr_h
#include <emCore/emOwnPtr.h>

class emPanel;
class emViewPort;
class emWindow;
class emScreen;
class emViewAnimator;
class emMagneticViewAnimator;
class emVisitingViewAnimator;
class emViewInputFilter;
class emCheatVIF;

//=================================== emView ===================================

class emView : public emContext {


        // An emView is a rectangle on the screen in which the user can see a
        // tree of panels (see class emPanel). If not disabled by a feature
        // flag, the user can navigate through the panels by zooming, scrolling
        // and moving the focus.
        // After constructing an emView, an appropriate emViewPort should be
        // created on it. Otherwise the view is not connected to any screen or
        // input device (it uses an internal dummy emViewPort then). See the
        // derived class emWindow - it solves the problem of connecting the
        // view. Another solution is the class emSubViewPanel.
        // Even, emView does not create any panels. This should also be done by
        // the caller.
        // emView has been derived from emContext so that it is easy to define
        // custom view settings as models of that context.

        typedef int ViewFlags;
                // Data type for the feature flags of a view. Possible flags
                // are:
        enum {
                VF_POPUP_ZOOM         =(1<<0),
                        // The view pops up whenever the view is zoomed. For
                        // this feature to work, an emScreen must be in the path
                        // of contexts, so that the view is able to create a
                        // private emWindow as the popup.
                VF_ROOT_SAME_TALLNESS =(1<<1),
                        // The root panel always has the same tallness as the
                        // view. This is highly recommended when using
                        // VF_POPUP_ZOOM.
                VF_NO_ZOOM            =(1<<2),
                        // The view is always zoomed out. This implies having
                        // VF_NO_USER_NAVIGATION and not having VF_POPUP_ZOOM
                        // and not having VF_EGO_MODE.
                VF_NO_USER_NAVIGATION =(1<<3),
                        // The user cannot navigate in the view.
                VF_NO_FOCUS_HIGHLIGHT =(1<<4),
                        // The view does not show any focus highlight.
                        // The view does not show any active highlight.
                VF_EGO_MODE           =(1<<6),
                        // This is a special mode of user interaction. The mouse
                        // pointer is degenerated to a cross-hair in the center
                        // of the view, and each mouse movement scrolls the
                        // view. This mode should not be used when there are
                        // multiple windows or views on the screen, because the
                        // mouse pointer cannot be moved. The name "ego mode"
                        // has been chosen because it is somehow similar to the
                        // mouse control in ego shooter games.
                VF_STRESS_TEST        =(1<<7)
                        // This repaints the view on every time slice and shows
                        // the frame rate in the upper-left corner. This feature
                        // exists for use by developers.

        emView(emContext & parentContext, ViewFlags viewFlags=0);
                // Constructor.
                // Arguments:
                //   parentContext - Parent context for this new context.
                //   viewFlags     - Initial feature flags.

        virtual ~emView();
                // Destructor. If a real view port has been created for this
                // view, it must be deleted before destructing the view. In
                // addition, it is always a good idea to delete the root panel
                // by destructors of derived classes, just because a panel could
                // depend on the properties of the derivative. For example,
                // emPanel::GetWindow() must not be used after destructing the
                // emWindow, and therefore the destructor of emWindow deletes
                // the panels itself.

        void LinkCrossPtr(emCrossPtrPrivate & crossPtr);
                // This means emCrossPtr<emView> is possible.

        ViewFlags GetViewFlags() const;
        void SetViewFlags(ViewFlags viewFlags);
                // Get or set the features of this view.

        const emSignal & GetViewFlagsSignal() const;
                // This signal is signaled when the features of this view have
                // changed.

        emColor GetBackgroundColor() const;
        void SetBackgroundColor(emColor c);
                // Get or set the background color of this view. This color is
                // used for areas which are not covered by the panels, or where
                // the panels are transparent. The default is some grey.

        virtual emString GetTitle() const;
                // Get the title to be shown for this view. The default
                // implementation returns the title of the active panel (not
                // directly, but updated through an engine). See also:
                // InvalidateTitle()

        const emSignal & GetTitleSignal() const;
                // This signal is signaled when the title has changed.

        emPanel * CreateControlPanel(emPanel & parent, const emString & name);
                // If this is a content view, this method may be called to
                // create a control panel in a control view. The call is
                // forwarded to the active panel. The result can be NULL which
                // means to have no control panel. The caller should delete the
                // control panel before calling CreateControlPanel again, and
                // before destructing this view.

        const emSignal & GetControlPanelSignal() const;
                // This signal is signaled when the control panel should be
                // recreated.

        bool IsFocused() const;
                // Whether this view has the focus.

        const emSignal & GetFocusSignal() const;
                // This signal is signaled when the focus of this view has
                // changed.

        void Focus();
                // Make that this view has the focus, if possible by the
                // emViewPort implementation. Hint: If this is an emWindow, you
                // may want to call Raise() before.

        emWindow * GetWindow() const;
                // Get the window of this view. It returns the nearest window
                // within the path of contexts to this view. If this view itself
                // is a window, that window is returned. If no window can be
                // found, NULL is returned. The result is cached internally.

        emScreen * GetScreen() const;
                // Get the screen of this view. If GetWindow() returns non-NULL,
                // the screen of that window is returned. Otherwise the call is
                // forwarded to emScreen::LookupInherited(*this). The result is
                // cached internally.

        double GetHomeX() const;
        double GetHomeY() const;
        double GetHomeWidth() const;
        double GetHomeHeight() const;
        double GetHomePixelTallness() const;
        double GetHomeTallness() const;
                // Get the home geometry of this view on the screen. "Home"
                // means the state where the view is not popped up by the
                // popup-zoom feature. X, Y, Width and Height are the
                // coordinates of the view rectangle, measured in pixels on the
                // screen. PixelTallness is the height/width ratio of the pixels
                // on the monitor (as far as known by the implementation of
                // emViewPort). And Tallness is the height/width ration of the
                // view on the monitor. It is equal to
                // Height/Width*PixelTallness.

        double GetCurrentX() const;
        double GetCurrentY() const;
        double GetCurrentWidth() const;
        double GetCurrentHeight() const;
        double GetCurrentPixelTallness() const;
        double GetCurrentTallness() const;
                // Get the current geometry of this view on the screen. This is
                // like GetHomeX(), GetHomeY() and so on, but if the view is
                // currently popped up by the popup-zoom feature, the geometry
                // of the popup is returned (should not make any difference for
                // PixelTallness).

        const emSignal & GetGeometrySignal() const;
                // This signal is signaled when the home geometry or the current
                // geometry of this view has changed.

        void GetMaxPopupViewRect(double * pX, double * pY,
                                 double * pW, double * pH) const;
                // Get the pixel coordinates of the maximum visible rectangle of
                // a popup. This is the bounding rectangle of all display
                // monitors, which intersect the home rectangle of the view. The
                // given pointers are for returning the rectangle coordinates
                // (x,y,w,h). NULL pointers are allowed.

        emViewInputFilter * GetFirstVIF() const;
        emViewInputFilter * GetLastVIF() const;
                // Get the first or last view input filter (VIF) in the chain of
                // the VIFs of this view. The default chain (after constructing
                // the view) contains emDefaultTouchVIF, emCheatVIF,
                // emKeyboardZoomScrollVIF, and emMouseZoomScrollVIF in that
                // order. This could change in future versions. You can modify
                // the chain simply by deleting and creating VIFs as you like.
                // See emViewInputFilter for more details. Note that the
                // zoom/scroll VIFs have no effect when VF_NO_USER_NAVIGATION is
                // set in the view flags. Also, never forget about the
                // possibility of parent and child views (=>emSubViewPanel).
                // Parent views should always have VF_NO_ZOOM.

        emPanel * GetRootPanel() const;
                // Get the root panel of this view. Returns NULL when this view
                // has no panels.

        emPanel * GetSupremeViewedPanel() const;
                // Get the supreme viewed panel. It is the upper-most panel in
                // the panel tree which has IsViewed()==true. Returns NULL when
                // this view has no panels. The supreme viewed panel is always
                // chosen automatically by the view, depending on the visit
                // state.

        emPanel * GetActivePanel() const;
                // Get the active panel. The active panel is the panel which is
                // focused when the view is focused. Returns NULL when this view
                // has no panels.

        bool IsActivationAdherent() const;
                // Whether the panel activation is adherent. It usually means
                // that the activation has been made by the user.

        void SetActivePanel(emPanel * panel, bool adherent=true);
                // Make the given Panel the active panel, or if it is not
                // focusable, make the nearest focusable ancestor active.
                // The location of the view is not changed.

        void SetActivePanelBestPossible();
                // Search for a viewed panel whose position in the view is best
                // for being the active panel, and activate it. But if the old
                // activation is adherent, the activation is changed only if it
                // is really too bad.

        emPanel * GetPanelByIdentity(const char * identity) const;
                // Search for a panel by identity (see emPanel::GetIdentity()).
                // Returns NULL if not found.

        emPanel * GetPanelAt(double x, double y) const;
                // Get the uppermost panel at the given point.

        emPanel * GetFocusablePanelAt(double x, double y,
                                      bool checkSubstance) const;
                // Get the uppermost focusable panel at the given point. If
                // checkSubstance is true, the substance rectangles of the
                // panels are checked. Otherwise the whole panel rectangles are
                // checked.

        emPanel * GetVisitedPanel(double * pRelX=NULL, double * pRelY=NULL,
                                  double * pRelA=NULL) const;
                // Get the visited panel and optionally relative coordinates.
                // The visited panel is the one on which the view is currently
                // anchored. That means, if any panel layout is changed, the
                // visited panel keeps its position and size in the view.
                // Normally, the visited panel is the active panel. But if the
                // active panel is not viewed, the visited panel is the viewed
                // panel which is (in the tree of panels) nearest to the active
                // panel.
                // Arguments:
                //   pRelX, pRelY - Pointers for returning the distance vector
                //                  between the center of the panel and the
                //                  center of the view, measured in panel
                //                  widths and heights.
                //   pRelA        - Pointer for returning the area size of the
                //                  view relative to the area size of the panel.
                // Returns:
                //   The visited panel, or NULL if this view has no panels.

        void Visit(emPanel * panel, double relX, double relY, double relA,
                   bool adherent);
        void Visit(const char * identity, double relX, double relY, double relA,
                   bool adherent, const char * subject=NULL);
                // Start to visit a panel. This means to position the view
                // relative to the given panel and make that panel the active
                // panel. The operation is animated and may take a long time.
                // Arguments:
                //   panel     - The panel to be visited.
                //   identity  - Identity of the panel to be visited.
                //   relX,relY - Desired distance vector between the center of
                //               the panel and the center of the view, measured
                //               in panel widths and heights.
                //   relA      - Desired area size of the view relative to the
                //               area size of the panel.
                //   adherent  - Whether the activation shall be adherent.
                //   subject   - A subject text to be shown in an info box
                //               for the case the operation takes much time.
                //               Best is to give the title of the panel.

        void Visit(emPanel * panel, bool adherent);
        void Visit(const char * identity, bool adherent,
                   const char * subject=NULL);
                // Like the Visit methods above, but automatically
                // choose a good position for the panel in the view.

        void VisitFullsized(emPanel * panel, bool adherent,
                            bool utilizeView=false);
        void VisitFullsized(const char * identity, bool adherent,
                            bool utilizeView=false, const char * subject=NULL);
                // Like the Visit methods above, but position the view so that
                // the panel is shown full-sized.

        void RawVisit(emPanel * panel, double relX, double relY, double relA);
        void RawVisit(emPanel * panel);
        void RawVisitFullsized(emPanel * panel, bool utilizeView=false);
                // Like the Visit methods above, but without animation (these
                // methods act immediately), without aborting any active
                // animation, and without changing the active panel.

        void VisitNext();
        void VisitPrev();
        void VisitFirst();
        void VisitLast();
        void VisitLeft();
        void VisitRight();
        void VisitUp();
        void VisitDown();
        void VisitNeighbour(int direction);
        void VisitIn();
        void VisitOut();
                // Start to visit a sister, parent or child of the active panel.
                // This walks the tree of focusable panels only.
                // VisitNeighbour(0) is like VisitRight(), 1 like Down, 2 like
                // Left and 3 like Up.

        void Scroll(double deltaX, double deltaY);
                // Scroll the view. This aborts any active animation and
                // performs immediately without animation. The active panel is
                // adapted.
                // Arguments:
                //   deltaX     - How many pixels to scroll in X direction.
                //                A positive value means to scroll right.
                //   deltaY     - How many pixels to scroll in Y direction.
                //                A positive value means to scroll down.

        void Zoom(double fixX, double fixY, double factor);
                // Zoom the view. This aborts any active animation and performs
                // immediately without animation. The active panel is adapted.
                // Arguments:
                //   fixX, fixY - Fix point for the zooming.
                //   factor     - Zoom factor. A value less than 1.0 means to
                //                zoom out, and a value greater than 1.0 means
                //                to zoom in.

        void RawScrollAndZoom(
                double fixX, double fixY,
                double deltaX, double deltaY, double deltaZ,
                emPanel * panel=NULL, double * pDeltaXDone=NULL,
                double * pDeltaYDone=NULL, double * pDeltaZDone=NULL
                // Scroll and zoom the view without aborting animations and
                // without changing the active panel. The scrolling is performed
                // before the zooming.
                // Arguments:
                //   fixX, fixY  - Fix point for the zooming.
                //   deltaX      - How many pixels to scroll in X direction.
                //                 A positive value means to scroll right.
                //   deltaY      - How many pixels to scroll in Y direction.
                //                 A positive value means to scroll down.
                //   deltaZ      - How many pixels to zoom. The zoom factor is:
                //                 exp(deltaZ * GetZoomFactorLogarithmPerPixel())
                //   panel       - A panel to be used for the calculations.
                //                 It should be a panel which is also viewed
                //                 after the operation. If NULL or not viewed,
                //                 the visited panel is used.
                //   pDeltaXDone - Pointer for returning the number of pixels by
                //                 which the view actually has been scrolled in
                //                 X.
                //   pDeltaYDone - Pointer for returning the number of pixels by
                //                 which the view actually has been scrolled in
                //                 Y.
                //   pDeltaZDone - Pointer for returning the number of pixels by
                //                 which the view actually has been zoomed.

        double GetZoomFactorLogarithmPerPixel() const;
                // How much zooming feels the same amount of motion to the user
                // as scrolling one pixel, returned as natural logarithm of zoom
                // factor.

        void ZoomOut();
                // Zoom out the view completely. This aborts any active
                // animation and performs immediately without animation. The
                // active panel is adapted.

        void RawZoomOut();
                // Like ZoomOut(), but without aborting animations and without
                // changing the active panel.

        bool IsZoomedOut() const;
                // Whether the view is currently zoomed out completely.

        bool IsPoppedUp() const;
                // Whether the view is in popped up state.

        void SignalEOIDelayed();
                // After calling this, the End-Of-Interaction signal will be
                // signaled, but with a delay of some time slices.

        const emSignal & GetEOISignal() const;
                // Get the End-Of-Interaction signal. This signal indicates an
                // end of a temporary user interaction. It has been invented for
                // emButton (see emButton::IsNoEOI()). If the view has
                // VF_POPUP_ZOOM set, the application should call ZoomOut() when
                // an EOI has been signaled.

        bool IsSoftKeyboardShown() const;
        void ShowSoftKeyboard(bool show);
                // Get and set whether to show a software keyboard (if there is
                // no hardware keyboard).

        emUInt64 GetInputClockMS() const;
                // Get the time of the currently handled input event and input
                // state, or the current time if all events are handled. The
                // time is measured in milliseconds and starts anywhere, but it
                // should never overflow.

        virtual double GetTouchEventPriority(
                double touchX, double touchY, bool afterVIFs=false
        ) const;
                // Get the touch event priority of this view for a certain touch
                // position. (See emPanel::GetTouchEventPriority).
                // Arguments:
                //   touchX, touchY - Position of a first touch in view
                //                    coordinates.
                //   afterVIFs      - Whether to leave out the view input filters
                //                    in the calculation.

        emViewAnimator * GetActiveAnimator() const;
                // Get the active view animator, or NULL if none is active.

        void ActivateMagneticViewAnimator();
                // Activate the magnetic view animator.

        void AbortActiveAnimator();
                // Abort any activate view animator.


        virtual void Input(emInputEvent & event, const emInputState & state);
                // Process input form keyboard, mouse, and touch after filtering
                // it by the view input filters. The default implementation
                // forwards to the panels.
                // Arguments:
                //   event  - An input event. It may be eaten by calling
                //            event.Eat(). The event reference in non-const only
                //            for that.
                //   state  - The current input state.

        virtual emCursor GetCursor() const;
                // Get the mouse cursor to be shown for this view. The default
                // implementation returns the cursor of the panel where the
                // mouse is. See also: InvalidateCursor()

        virtual void Paint(
                const emPainter & painter, emColor canvasColor
        ) const;
                // Paint this view. The default implementation paints the
                // panels, the focus and an info box when seeking.
                // Arguments:
                //   painter     - A painter for painting the view to the
                //                 screen. Origin and scaling of this painter
                //                 are prepared for having the coordinate system
                //                 of the screen.
                //   canvasColor - Color of the canvas.
                // See also: InvalidatePainting()

        virtual void InvalidateTitle();
                // Indicate a change in the results of GetTitle(). The default
                // implementation simply signals the title signal (see
                // GetTitleSignal()).

        void InvalidateCursor();
                // Indicate a change in the results of GetCursor(). After
                // calling this, showings of the cursor will be updated.

        void InvalidatePainting();
        void InvalidatePainting(double x, double y, double w, double h);
                // Indicate a change in the results of Paint(). After calling
                // this, the view will be re-painted. The second version of the
                // method allows to invalidate just a rectangular area instead
                // of the whole view.
                // Arguments:
                //   x,y,w,h - Upper-left corner and size of the rectangle.

        virtual void DoCustomCheat(const char * func);
                // This method could be overloaded for implementing custom cheat
                // codes. For example, if the user enters "chEat:abc!", this
                // method is called with func="abc". The default implementation
                // calls the ancestor view, if there. For the cheat codes
                // implemented by default, see the implementation of
                // emCheatVIF::Input.

        // - - - - - - - - - - Depreciated methods - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        // The following virtual non-const methods have been replaced by const
        // methods (see above). The old versions still exist here with the
        // "final" keyword added, so that old overridings will fail to compile.
        // If you run into this, please adapt your overridings by adding "const".
        virtual emString GetTitle() final;
        virtual double GetTouchEventPriority(
                double touchX, double touchY, bool afterVIFs=false
        ) final;
        virtual emCursor GetCursor() final;
        virtual void Paint(const emPainter & painter, emColor canvasColor) final;
        // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        friend class emViewPort;
        friend class emViewAnimator;
        friend class emVisitingViewAnimator;
        friend class emViewInputFilter;
        friend class emCheatVIF;
        friend class emPanel;
        friend class emSubViewPanel;
        friend class emWindow;

        struct PanelRingNode {
                PanelRingNode * Prev;
                PanelRingNode * Next;

        void SetWindowAndScreen(emWindow * window=NULL);

        void SetFocused(bool focused);
        void SetGeometry(double x, double y, double width, double height,
                         double pixelTallness);

        void AddToNoticeList(PanelRingNode * node);

        void Update();

        void CalcVisitCoords(const emPanel * panel, double * pRelX,
                             double * pRelY, double * pRelA) const;

        void CalcVisitFullsizedCoords(const emPanel * panel, double * pRelX,
                                      double * pRelY, double * pRelA,
                                      bool utilizeView=false) const;

        void RawVisit(emPanel * panel, double relX, double relY, double relA,
                      bool forceViewingUpdate);
        void RawVisitAbs(emPanel * panel, double vx, double vy, double vw,
                         bool forceViewingUpdate);
        void RawZoomOut(bool forceViewingUpdate);

        void FindBestSVP(emPanel * * pPanel, double * pVx, double * pVy,
                         double * pVw) const;
        bool FindBestSVPInTree(emPanel * * pPanel, double * pVx, double * pVy,
                               double * pVw, bool covering) const;

        void SwapViewPorts(bool swapFocus);

        void RecurseInput(emInputEvent & event,
                          const emInputState & state);
        void RecurseInput(emPanel * panel, emInputEvent & event,
                          const emInputState & state);

        void InvalidateHighlight();
        void PaintHighlight(const emPainter & painter) const;
        static void PaintHighlightArrowsOnLine(
                const emPainter & painter, double x, double y,
                double dx, double dy, double pos, double delta,
                int count, double goalX, double goalY, double arrowSize,
                emColor shadowColor, emColor arrowColor
        static void PaintHighlightArrowsOnBow(
                const emPainter & painter, double x, double y, double radius,
                int quadrant, double pos, double delta, int count,
                double goalX, double goalY, double arrowSize,
                emColor shadowColor, emColor arrowColor
        static void PaintHighlightArrow(
                const emPainter & painter, double x, double y,
                double goalX, double goalY, double arrowSize,
                emColor shadowColor, emColor arrowColor

        void SetSeekPos(emPanel * panel, const char * childName);
        bool IsHopeForSeeking() const;

        class UpdateEngineClass : public emEngine {
                UpdateEngineClass(emView & view);
                virtual bool Cycle();
                emView & View;
        friend class UpdateEngineClass;

        class EOIEngineClass : public emEngine {
                EOIEngineClass(emView & view);
                virtual bool Cycle();
                emView & View;
                int CountDown;
        friend class EOIEngineClass;

        class StressTestClass : public emEngine {
                StressTestClass(emView & view);
                virtual ~StressTestClass();
                void PaintInfo(const emPainter & painter) const;
                virtual bool Cycle();
                emView & View;
                int TCnt,TPos,TValid;
                emUInt64 * T;
                double FrameRate;
                emUInt64 FRUpdate;
        friend class StressTestClass;

        emCrossPtrList CrossPtrList;
        emRef<emCoreConfig> CoreConfig;
        emOwnPtr<emViewPort> DummyViewPort;
        emViewPort * HomeViewPort;
        emViewPort * CurrentViewPort;
        emWindow * Window;
        emRef<emModel> ScreenRef;
        emWindow * PopupWindow;
        emViewInputFilter * FirstVIF;
        emViewInputFilter * LastVIF;
        emViewAnimator * ActiveAnimator;
        emOwnPtr<emMagneticViewAnimator> MagneticVA;
        emOwnPtr<emVisitingViewAnimator> VisitingVA;
        emPanel * RootPanel;
        emPanel * SupremeViewedPanel;
        emPanel * MinSVP, * MaxSVP;
        emPanel * ActivePanel;
        emSignal ViewFlagsSignal;
        emSignal TitleSignal;
        emSignal ControlPanelSignal;
        emSignal FocusSignal;
        emSignal GeometrySignal;
        emSignal EOISignal;
        double HomeX,HomeY,HomeWidth,HomeHeight,HomePixelTallness;
        double CurrentX,CurrentY,CurrentWidth,CurrentHeight,
        double LastMouseX,LastMouseY;
        emString Title;
        emCursor Cursor;
        emColor BackgroundColor;
        ViewFlags VFlags;
        bool Focused;
        bool ActivationAdherent;
        bool ZoomScrollInAction;
        bool TitleInvalid;
        bool CursorInvalid;
        bool SVPChoiceInvalid;
        bool SVPChoiceByOpacityInvalid;
        bool RestartInputRecursion;
        bool ZoomedOutBeforeSG;
        int SettingGeometry;
        int SVPUpdCount;
        emUInt64 SVPUpdSlice;
        emInputEvent NoEvent;
        PanelRingNode NoticeList;
        emOwnPtr<UpdateEngineClass> UpdateEngine;
        emOwnPtr<EOIEngineClass> EOIEngine;
        emPanel * SeekPosPanel;
        emString SeekPosChildName;
        emOwnPtr<StressTestClass> StressTest;

        static const double MaxSVPSize;
        static const double MaxSVPSearchSize;

//================================= emViewPort =================================

class emViewPort : public emUncopyable {


        // Base class for the connection between an emView and the operating
        // system or the hardware or whatever. The default implementation
        // connects the view to nothing. When a view is constructed, it creates
        // such a dummy view port just to have a view port at all. A real view
        // port should be created on the view afterwards. For example, this is
        // solved in emWindow by creating an emWindowPort, which is a derivative
        // of emViewPort.
        // Note that emView implements some tricks for solving the popup-zoom
        // feature. When popping up, the view creates a private emWindow and
        // exchanges the view port of that window for its own view port
        // temporarily. A view port derivative must come clear with such an
        // exchange (do not store any references to the view in it).
        // The title is not interfaced through emViewPort (but through
        // emWindowPort) because it must not be exchanged when the view pops up.
        // The popup-zoom feature is even the reason why all views must share
        // the same coordinate system. It should be the coordinate system of
        // screen.

        emViewPort(emView & homeView);

        virtual ~emViewPort();

        double GetViewX() const;
        double GetViewY() const;
        double GetViewWidth() const;
        double GetViewHeight() const;

        emCursor GetViewCursor() const;

        void PaintView(const emPainter & painter, emColor canvasColor) const;


        void SetViewGeometry(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                             double pixelTallness);

        void SetViewFocused(bool focused);
        virtual void RequestFocus();

        virtual bool IsSoftKeyboardShown() const;
        virtual void ShowSoftKeyboard(bool show);

        virtual emUInt64 GetInputClockMS() const;

        void InputToView(emInputEvent & event, const emInputState & state);

        virtual void InvalidateCursor();

        virtual void InvalidatePainting(double x, double y, double w, double h);

        // - - - - - - - - - - Depreciated methods - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        // The following virtual non-const methods have been replaced by const
        // methods (see above). The old versions still exist here with the
        // "final" keyword added, so that old overridings will fail to compile.
        // If you run into this, please adapt your overridings by adding "const".
        virtual bool IsSoftKeyboardShown() final;
        virtual emUInt64 GetInputClockMS() final;
        // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        friend class emView;
        emView * HomeView;
        emView * CurrentView;

//============================== Implementations ===============================

//----------------------------------- emView -----------------------------------

inline void emView::LinkCrossPtr(emCrossPtrPrivate & crossPtr)

inline emView::ViewFlags emView::GetViewFlags() const
        return VFlags;

inline const emSignal & emView::GetViewFlagsSignal() const
        return ViewFlagsSignal;

inline emColor emView::GetBackgroundColor() const
        return BackgroundColor;

inline const emSignal & emView::GetTitleSignal() const
        return TitleSignal;

inline const emSignal & emView::GetControlPanelSignal() const
        return ControlPanelSignal;

inline bool emView::IsFocused() const
        return Focused;

inline const emSignal & emView::GetFocusSignal() const
        return FocusSignal;

inline emWindow * emView::GetWindow() const
        return Window;

inline double emView::GetHomeX() const
        return HomeX;

inline double emView::GetHomeY() const
        return HomeY;

inline double emView::GetHomeWidth() const
        return HomeWidth;

inline double emView::GetHomeHeight() const
        return HomeHeight;

inline double emView::GetHomePixelTallness() const
        return HomePixelTallness;

inline double emView::GetHomeTallness() const
        return HomeHeight/HomeWidth*HomePixelTallness;

inline double emView::GetCurrentX() const
        return CurrentX;

inline double emView::GetCurrentY() const
        return CurrentY;

inline double emView::GetCurrentWidth() const
        return CurrentWidth;

inline double emView::GetCurrentHeight() const
        return CurrentHeight;

inline double emView::GetCurrentPixelTallness() const
        return CurrentPixelTallness;

inline double emView::GetCurrentTallness() const
        return CurrentHeight/CurrentWidth*CurrentPixelTallness;

inline const emSignal & emView::GetGeometrySignal() const
        return GeometrySignal;

inline emViewInputFilter * emView::GetFirstVIF() const
        return FirstVIF;

inline emViewInputFilter * emView::GetLastVIF() const
        return LastVIF;

inline emPanel * emView::GetRootPanel() const
        return RootPanel;

inline emPanel * emView::GetSupremeViewedPanel() const
        return SupremeViewedPanel;

inline emPanel * emView::GetActivePanel() const
        return ActivePanel;

inline bool emView::IsActivationAdherent() const
        return ActivationAdherent;

inline bool emView::IsPoppedUp() const
        return PopupWindow!=NULL;

inline const emSignal & emView::GetEOISignal() const
        return EOISignal;

inline bool emView::IsSoftKeyboardShown() const
        return CurrentViewPort->IsSoftKeyboardShown();

inline void emView::ShowSoftKeyboard(bool show)

inline emUInt64 emView::GetInputClockMS() const
        return CurrentViewPort->GetInputClockMS();

inline emViewAnimator * emView::GetActiveAnimator() const
        return ActiveAnimator;

inline void emView::InvalidateCursor()

inline void emView::InvalidatePainting()

inline void emView::InvalidatePainting(double x, double y, double w, double h)

//--------------------------------- emViewPort ---------------------------------

inline double emViewPort::GetViewX() const
        return CurrentView->GetCurrentX();

inline double emViewPort::GetViewY() const
        return CurrentView->GetCurrentY();

inline double emViewPort::GetViewWidth() const
        return CurrentView->GetCurrentWidth();

inline double emViewPort::GetViewHeight() const
        return CurrentView->GetCurrentHeight();

inline emCursor emViewPort::GetViewCursor() const
        return CurrentView->GetCursor();

inline void emViewPort::PaintView(
        const emPainter & painter, emColor canvasColor
) const

inline void emViewPort::SetViewGeometry(
        double x, double y, double w, double h, double pixelTallness

inline void emViewPort::SetViewFocused(bool focused)
